The Brace Face….

Matthew t-Minus one hour from losing his braces for good. THREE YEARS & 2 MONTHS after getting them on. Several thousand miles on our truck later! Isn’t he cute anyway! Sigh..

Mouse House Fashion Blouse

Okay, so blouse wasn’t really necessary, but it rhymed. I actually had one request for some pictures so people would know what I was talking about. The previous advice was for temps trying to work their way up, but stuck in a VERY casual workplace.. read the other post here or keep reading for more. … [Read more…]

150 posts…

Whoohoo I’ve got 150 posts now! I umm never really thought I’d get there. I hope you’ve had fun reading. I was hoping to figure out something spectacular to do when I reached a milestone but nothing really reaches out and grabs me. If you’re a fairly new reader, or you came to me through … [Read more…]

Na Na Na Why don’t U get a Job?

I’m free! Woohoo! Although I have a sneaking suspicion that if there’s even a hint they need someone else, I’ll be called back to work there. They really seemed to like me. I think it’s because I made everything simple, because, well, why make stuff harder than it needs to be? But I feel like … [Read more…]

Poll results–Sometimes I secretly….

4 of you hide in the bathroom to get some me time away from your family, and one of you picks your nose. Well, I say at some point in time EVERYBODY picks their nose, even if they dont admit it. Not everything magically falls out onto a kleenex, no matter how hard you blow, … [Read more…]

National Blog Posting Month

November is National blog posting month. All you do to join is post every day in November. I’m going to try! Update: So I signed up by typing into google, and I guess I found it. It’s sponsored by something called Ning. Anyway, I posted a comment on my wall over there (cause I probably … [Read more…]

Fun Monday–Team "S"

Janet from The Planet of Janet, wants to know…Describe your meeting with your spouse/significant other. I especially want to hear “meet cute” stories. And it doesn’t have to be your actual current sig/other. Perhaps the “meet cute” story is a former boy/girlfriend… or even a best friend. Illustrate with photos, of course. So go check … [Read more…]

Don’t Apologize…

I know that people in general are afraid if they whine too much that they’ll turn people off of their blogs. The truth of the matter is, that if we didnt whine, not only would we explode, but we’d be boring bloggers too! So, PLEASE! If you blog a little whinily, (not a word) then … [Read more…]