Big girl, little girl
My 2 red heads had their check ups today. My almost 3 yo is very big for her age. My newly crowned 1 yo is medium to small for her age. They both have a lot of sass and smiles. They make my heart happy.
My 2 red heads had their check ups today. My almost 3 yo is very big for her age. My newly crowned 1 yo is medium to small for her age. They both have a lot of sass and smiles. They make my heart happy.
Did you vote today? I waited until my husband got home so I wouldn’t be taking all the kids with me, and then we just both voted and took them all inside anyway. It’s such a tiny place! They have cardboard dividers, and someone standing by a machine to read the votes by the out … [Read more…]
My 2 year old is enthused with books. Just like her siblings. The issue is that she’s not as careful as she could be with them, as in she eats them half the time. I try and put educational/themed books for the holidays or whatever in the bathroom for when the kids need to ‘sit … [Read more…]
Each kid has done it, confusing the parents names, even though they did just fine for weeks ahead of time, their mouths go faster than their brains. With the first 2, it happened over weekends. Daddy would be mommy, and then some combo of names until about Sunday afternoon and then he’d be daddy again, … [Read more…]
We were walking across a parking lot yesterday when I randomly said ‘uh oh spaghetti-o’… to which my 4 year old replied ‘mom, what’s a spaghetti-o?’ I was flabbergasted, laughing, and a touch proud all at the same time. [It brings to total recall when my then 2 year old (now 7 and totally aware) … [Read more…]
Please don’t comb her hair with a teddy bear graham. *sigh*
I guess she’s not a baby anymore! Happy Birthday Casey!
It’s hard, it really is, to give everyone what they need. Every time you try and take care of one, 2 of the others lose their minds. I kid you not, it’s insane. But we love it. We put up the little kid’s ‘Little People’ Nativity Scene and they’ve been playing with that today. … [Read more…]
Kind of hard to see, but it snowed on our first full day home! Now you know why we wanted to go home! My MIL took the 2 big kids, so we’re 2 on 2 right now, and just BARELY making it! Poor Casey is really upset and crying a lot, but you can tell … [Read more…]
Baby #4 is half baked (20 weeks gestation roughly) and I have an ultrasound next week. Fingers crossed that the rest of our bloodwork comes back okay and that everything goes as smoothly or better than it has been. Casey is 19 months now. She’s way more of a toddler tornado than I was … [Read more…]