mm, fruit
No, I haven’t started her on solids yet. She is teaching herself to blow raspberries. The sliming has begun!
No, I haven’t started her on solids yet. She is teaching herself to blow raspberries. The sliming has begun!
Way ahead of schedule, Keeley is passing… her pacifier… from one hand to the other. Woohoo!
That’s what my mom called my baby girl. It’s true. She has so many clothes, I don’t know what to do. Really, I do though. It’s time yet again for her to move up a size. This time I’m doing it before the clothes are outrageously tight (pulling on her shoulders) with the cloth diapers … [Read more…]
Stop reading now if you’re eating or are offended by baby poop stories. K? Yeah, I didnt think it would ever happen here. But there is a lot I didnt think would happen. I was just thinking, man the baby’s poop is an odd color green. It smells really bad too, such an odd smell. … [Read more…]
Mostly, because it’s an instant way to find out if your kid is normal or not. For instance: today I googled “baby sucking on upper lip”– and voila, found a whole chat room about babies her age that suck at their upper, lower, or just making a fish face and sucking nothing at all. Whew. … [Read more…]
Read the link over at Jenni’s –she has twin girls born in October, they’re cuties and she links to a neat article. Stop on over at her place and click on it to ‘blow it up’ so you can read it. It’s worth it. Then again, I totally understood all of this when my … [Read more…]
Do you really need one of those fancy gyms for your baby to kick at and poke at? Why no! You simply lay your baby on a blanket on the floor and stick a toy between his/her legs and let her kick. Eventually she’ll figure out that it makes noise (most of them make at … [Read more…]
For those of you that read here fairly often, you’re starting to see a pattern, if I find something that I had to look up, or ask someone about, or I find something novel pertaining to what I’ve had to do with my baby, I write about it and tag it ‘baby learnin’ –hopefully others … [Read more…]
This one is called, “I can’t cry when I’m smiling” — just be sure to laugh REALLY hard along with this one. When the baby starts get get all pouty faced for no reason, tickle her cheeks and say, “come on baby smile, smile, you can do it smile, there you go, I know you … [Read more…]
Okay, seriously. Under NO circumstances, should you actually consider giggling when you’re trying to get your baby to go back to sleep. You won’t be able to contain yourself. You will wake the baby up, if only briefly. It is rather difficult, though, when you put your hand on your baby’s head, and stroke her … [Read more…]