Stop reading now if you’re eating or are offended by baby poop stories. K?
Yeah, I didnt think it would ever happen here. But there is a lot I didnt think would happen. I was just thinking, man the baby’s poop is an odd color green. It smells really bad too, such an odd smell. I was googling baby poop for the second time this month and couldn’t figure out what was going on. I was worried that maybe I had an abscess as I had been experiencing some pain and hardness/lumpiness thereabouts. Then I went to help my husband fill water bottles. He um, had a funny odor lingering around him. The same odor the baby poop had. Guess it was something all of us ate. ‘Nuff said.
I have found that infant tylenol also give baby business a funky color – just fyi!
Ha! Wait until she discovers that she can put her hands in it! Those are good times!
green huh? It was probably that Big Mac you ate.