Type of Flat | Price per change | Overall rating |
Imagine Printed Flat | $ 2.49 | 4 |
Geffen Baby Hemp Jersey Flat | $ 6.95 | 3.5 |
Blueberry Flat | $ 2.83 | 4.5 |
Diaper Rite Birdseye Cotton | $ 1.88 | 5 |
Can you tell I love my flats? I like them better than microfiber. Better than hemp or bamboo. Better than prefolds. I can’t wait to use them on my next baby. It’s made diapering so much easier. Not to mention I used to use a rinse cycle, 2 full wash cycles with detergent, and another rinse at the end of each one. Now? Rinse, wash, extra rinse. I’ve cut my ‘diaper’ water usage in HALF by using flats! Not only that but they come out a lot cleaner and never smell. If you’ve ever had stink issues with microfiber, have hard water, want to go with a more natural fiber, want to save money, want to save water, these are all good reasons to use flat diapers, even inside a standard ‘fancy’ pocket diaper.
I hope you’ve enjoyed flats week. The Geffen Baby giveaway closes Wednesday morning (odd time, but it works for my blogging pattern!) so get those entries in and tell your friends. Share the flat love!
Anyone have any final questions? Be happy to answer any that you have, here or on my facebook page!
Jodi Reed
If I switch all my pocket inserts to flats, can I wash the flats plus the pockets like you described? Or do you think the pockets themselves need more of a wash?