During Lenten season this spring, I took a hiatus from Facebook and ended up on twitter more than usual. I met so many fun bloggers and store owners during that time! Mary, from Lovely Eco Chic was asking if anyone would rather have a flat diaper or a detergent sample with their order. I of course immediately responded, FLAT! So when she posted a short time later about Geffen Baby having flats, I mentioned how I was wanting to try one. Well, ask and you shall receive! A short time later I received a flat to review, and I was ecstatic! (I was delighted to receive this gratis, but that in no way affects my review.) Cost to me: $0.
Incidentally Lovely Eco Chic is having a Red, White and Blue Sale RIGHT NOW. If you buy 2 you get a generous detergent sample, and some of the diapers are eligible for a donation to Operation Homefront. Awesome for 4th of July, right? Actually, she’s got all kinds of neat things, so click on over and see what you can discover. Lots and lots of good stuff there!
Okay, back to the diaper– Let me tell you first off, that this is the softest diaper. EVER. I opened up the package and immediately went… ‘ooooh!’ My husband thought something was wrong because it was such a loud exclamation. It’s like the softest t-shirt you’ve ever owned, times two, in diaper form! If I had to pick what went next to my own skin, this would definitely be it! The Geffen Baby Hemp Jersey Flat Cloth Diaper is a single layer of 60% hemp/40% organic cotton that’s Made in the USA. If you paid full retail, the price per diaper would be $6.95. According to the Lovely Eco Chic website, the diaper is about 26.5″ square. I was asked to wash and dry 3-5 times for prepping purposes. After 3 washes I gave it a try and it definitely needed more prepping. I would recommend at least 5 washes for maximum absorbency. (I washed on hot with towels over the course of a week so I was getting full use of my washing machine and not wasting water). I’ve been using this diaper for about 2 months now, so not nearly as long as my other flats, but long enough to get a nice test, anyway. After prepping the diaper ended up being 22 x 24 inches.
For price, absorbency, ease and overall bang-for-your-buckness, I’d give these diapers 3.5 stars. The price obviously reflects that it’s made in the USA, but it’s still higher than other flats. The biggest issue I had was folding/size wise. I couldn’t do a regular pad fold, because the insert ended up too narrow and caused leaks inside a pocket because there wasn’t enough side-side coverage. I did try it overnight once I got the fold down a little better, and had moderate success. I posted a tutorial HERE to show you how I made it work! (Pinterest Link for tutorials.) Because you end up folding fewer layers across the wet zone, it doesn’t end up quite as absorbent. You could solve this by using a narrower pocket and doing a regular pad fold. (I used bG’s as the test pocket so that everything was ‘equal’ for the flats, if that makes sense. This affected how it was folded, obviously and that affected how it functioned.) In a smaller size diaper (my tester is almost 2 so we’re at full extension!) it would definitely do the job as you could alter the fold a bit. It’s also perfect for day time use or naps. Overnight in a standard wide pocket I would 100% add a booster of some sort for an additional layer in the wet zone for toddlers. I’m going to keep tweaking the insert to see if I can get better absorbency out of it. It’s almost always completely saturated for us (versus others that can be half saturated by morning.) I’d love for Geffen Baby to come out with a large size flat to remedy this! I also tried a snappi with the diaper and it gripped and stayed on well. I haven’t noticed any staining or stink. Overall this is a super soft, nicely absorbing product that’s just a touch on the small side.
You can purchase these flats right HERE. If you’re not ready to buy yet, then scroll down and enter to win! Lovely Eco Chic has provided a Hemp Jersey Flat just like the one I reviewed for us to giveaway! I like to keep my entries simple, so please follow the directions carefully, or a new winner will be drawn.
Declyn Dypes from homemade…and then so many manufactured…prob knicker nappies and amp…
I don’t use pocket diapers but my favorite diaper to use flats in are gDiapers.
I don’t have a favourite yet; baby will be here in about eleven weeks!
I haven’t used any diapers yet but I really like Sazzy Baby Assets diaper!
I love my Baby Babu pockets with the embroidered animals on back 🙂
I love Softbums Omni for a pocket!
My favorite pocket is one in which the insert self agitates out during wash. Smartipants and AppleCheeks are my favorites.
My favorite are BG. I also like Applecheeks!
My favorite pockets are bumGenius 4.0’s
My favorite pocket is Bum Genius!
I primarily use Charlie banana’s and bumgenius and would love to give prefods and flats a go in place of the microfiber inserts!
My baby is due next week and I an to try both flats and prefolds for the newborn phase!
Rumparooz. 🙂
i dont have any cd yet, but i want bu geniuses!
My favorite pocket diapers are Kawaii Baby!
Babykicks OS
I don’t like pocket diapers. I like using flats on their own under wool 🙂
i guess BG 4.0s would be my fav
I like to use flats in a cover now, but I used to like BG4s at night until baby started rolling to the side.
We don’t have a baby yet but I think I’m going to do prefolds with cover for new born then move to one size all in twos. I’m excited to try any cloth diaper method/brand though!
Bumgenious are my current favorite!
I don’t have a favorite since baby isn’t here yet.
No baby yet, but I am so excited to try out my Rumparooz and BumGenius 4.0s!
I love my BG 4.0!!!!
I have not really been liking any of the pockets I’ve tried… I prefer my GroVia hybrids!
Hmmm…right now I am loving my Kawaiis.
My favorite pocket is Bum Genius 4.0 But my favorite diaper is a flip cover with a flat pad folded
My favorite pocket is a bg 4.0 with econobum prefold 🙂
My favorite pocket diaper is bumgenius. I also love my 2012 Fuzzibunz Elite, but the pocket is so narrow, it’s difficult to stuff, especially if you wanted to stuff a hemp insert or flat inside. Bumgenius is much better for that!
I have a bunch of bg4.0’s but i’m really liking my softbums lately!
My favorites are Blueberry pockets. Nice, wide opening for flats as inserts!
We use bGs at night (bulletproof with hemp!) but I love the prints on the Alva Baby pockets.
My favorite diaper is Charlie Banana, but I really like Grovia though, too.
Waiting for The MOraki diapers to arrive now, I also have Fuzzibunz and BG 4.0s !!
I have had great luck with Lalabye baby pocket diapers!
Charlie Banana and Krocket Pockets!
My favorite pocket is a Bumgenius 4.0.
I think my favorite is the Blueberry, but also really love Fuzzibunz perfect size
bg 4.0s
So far the only diaper that has worked for my daughter is Best Bottom.
Lately I’m loving the new FB pockets. We only use pockets at night (DD hates feeling wet to sleep), and they’re easy to over stuff with prefolds, etc…
I am actually moving away from my pocket diaper for easier (for me) AI2s and prefolds with covers. I guess my favorite of the ones I’m still using are AppleCheeks
Bumgenius 4.0
Our favorite pockets are Funky Fluff and Lalabye!
We only use pockets for church, but our favorite is the BG 4.0.
The dipes I have in my stash I love best, are the ones my mom made.
I am expecting and am excited to try out my fuzzibunz and bumgenius pocket diapers
Kawaii’s. cheap, but so soft, hold up well and bright colors.
Kawaii’s. cheap, soft, hold up well and bright colors.
I only have one pocket I regularly use and its a BumGenius. I like to lay my flats in my Flip covers.
Absolutely see good potential in these flats, hope to win ’em!
Right now, the Charlie Banana sized diapers fit my rather large two year old the best, so I’d have to say they are my favorites.
My favorite pocket is Diaper Safari, good stretch, secure snap placement and lots of room for inserts. Also affordable!
My favorite pocket diaper right now is Kawaii.
Probably Rumparooz
We don’t really use pockets but my favorite when we used them were Bumgenius
We really love to use covers here 🙂
We’re expecting our first, so I don’t have a favorite yet, but I do have bumGenius and FuzziBunz ready to try!
I don’t really have a favorite but I love bum Genius 4.0 and Softbums omni
My baby is due in October so I haven’t started using pockets yet. I just bought a bum Genius 4.0 yesterday, but I’d like to try lots of different brands.
I like bumGenius 4.0 pockets.
I like our BumGenius pockets the best
My favorite out of the small stash i have would have to be my Kawaii! Most of my others are babylands
I don’t have any pockets yet. I am just starting to get ready to cloth diaper my little one on the way. I am trying to decide which pockets I want to get. I am looking at BumGenius 4.0.
Right now we are LOVING our BG 4.0 pockets! They fit so well and have grown with our little one.
My favorite pockets are BumGenius 4.0’s!!
My favorite pockets would have to be BG 4.0
I will be having my first child in the next few days, so I have not yet tried any, but I have Smart Snugs, Rump Arounds, and Rumparooz in my stash. I am excited to try them all!
i don’t have a favorite yet as my baby has not been born, but can’t wait to use what i have!!
Our favorite pockets are bumGenius 4.0s.
Right now I would say my favorite is my Rocka Bums
I’d have to say AppleCheeks… haven’t tried stuffing with flats, but we do use prefolds to stuff the majority of our pocket diapers!
The only pockets we have are Alvas and sunbaby do far, but I mostly use flats (receiving blankets) in flip covers
I don’t know! I am just getting ready to cloth diaper my firstborn!