Hey ya’ll–I promised myself that if I had another baby that I’d post some really good reviews of cloth diapering a newborn. There never seemed to be any ‘good’ reviews out there. Then half a dozen people had babies RIGHT before me and started posting some reviews. I’m REALLY glad, though, because now there’s information out there on various sizes of babies and just how exactly they fit into cloth diapers (one size and sized) from birth!
Brennan was in the special needs nursery for 4 days, but after that she’s been in cloth, from hospital to home! I REALLY wanted to cloth diaper her in the hospital, and I managed to get it done for about 24 hours. I’m sad that that’s all the time I got, but I did get a chance to get a few pictures of her in the hospital with CD’s on, and ‘live it’ so I could explain it, which is awesome! I already reviewed Kelly Wel’s book (there’s some time to get in on the FuzziBunz giveaway yet, so click HERE for the review) and plan on doing at least one more giveaway and a TON of reviews, so you can get an idea of what it really IS like to ‘wrap and strap’ a newborn booty with a cloth diaper!
So sit back and enjoy, and look for other baby and pre-school (ack!) related content on non-cloth posting days, mmk?
SO funny, I thought the same thing but yeah, everyone has been having babies babies babies, and posting newb reviews! It’s still interesting to see how the weight/age ranges vary from baby to baby though!