I was very fortunate to get an advanced reader copy of Kelly Wels new book which is a virtual ‘guide’ to cloth diapers! I really wish I’d had this when I first started with cloth diapering 3 years ago! Thinking back to all the questions I had then, it answers them, one by one! “Changing Diapers” really has it all. From packing a diaper bag to descriptions of the most popular brands, Kelly has amassed her considerable knowledge of cloth diapers (from using them and selling them in 2 popular online stores) into a quick-reading reference guide. Even those just considering cloth diapers and new to the idea (and sometimes confusing acronyms to go with it!) will have no trouble understanding this book. It’s written in plain English and has plenty of pictures, quotes from real parents who use the diapers every day, and tips for diapering in every stage from birth to potty training. If you have a cloth diaper question, the answer is in this book! It even points to websites that will help you reach out to the greater cloth diaper community.
Need help convincing a dad or day care to use cloth? No problem, she has great tips for approaching both with the concept! Can’t decide between snaps and velcro? She lays out the pros and cons for you! Bum genius or Fuzzibunz? Hemp or organic cotton? Confused about terminology? No problem, just check the index to find what you need to know. Ready to take the plunge but can’t decide which types of diapers to buy? Cloth diapering 101 (handy green edged section in the middle of the book) gives you a step by step illustrated guide to how to ‘wrap and strap’ as I like to call it. From flats and prefolds to all-in-one styles that fasten like your typical disposable diaper, you’ll see just how to use each type.
It’s a full color book, with photos of babies wearing the products talked about in the book. Being a cloth diaper junkie, I think one of my favorite bonuses is the ‘fashion index’ at the back of the book. You might think it’s odd, but I actually enjoy trying to figure out which diaper is which in the gorgeous photos in this book. Another great feature is the section in the back to check off your purchases, almost like a suggested gift registry– in fact, if you’re a new mom I would suggest copying this page and adding it to your baby shower invitations, so people know what you still need and where your friends and family can buy the items! There’s even a spot for tracking your own ‘fluffy’ buys, so you know where you bought what, and when.
Would you like a copy of this book? Check with your favorite online store for Kelly’s book, ISBN: 978-0-9835622-1-4 .
Great news, to go along with the review, I’ve been authorized to offer a giveaway of one FuzziBunz one-size cloth diaper. There will only be ONE entry: In your comment, please leave a question you have about cloth diapering, and visit fuzzibunz.com to tell me your favorite colors! ENDS: Midnight, Friday, November 11, 2011.
Nice to do’s- but won’t gain you any extra entries (additional comments will not count):
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or follow me on twitter: @teamshoemaker
Like Kelly’s page on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Kellywels
or follow her on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/KellyWels
Like the book’s page on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChangingDiapersBook
or follow it on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/search/changing%20diapers
Like fuzzibunz on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FuzziBunz
or follow them on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/FuzziBunz
Darlene L
I haven’t cloth diapered yet- but number 2 is due in April and we have decided to cloth this time around!! I’m super excited about it! Over the past two months we have been buying diapers here and there when they are on sale- trying out a few different kinds. Fuzzi bunz is one of the ones I’ve heard the most great things about so I ordered some from zulily last month! Love all the colors- but ones like mac n cheese and apple green stick out the most to me! I have a question about night time cloth diapering- do you have any recommendations for a night time diaper that stays dry longer? My first was SUCh an amazing sleeper (still is!!) and I would hate for a baby to wake up only because they have leaked through! So any suggestions on that would be Awesome!
Katie S
I guess my question would be related to get others excited about cloth diapering. I know you said the book addresses the issue of convincing dads or day care to cloth. That’s one of the challenges I’m facing. My husband isn’t very on-board with cloth diapering. I think he’s afraid of what people will think of us, honestly. I do want to try to get my family excited about cloth too, but don’t want to be annoying about it, you know what I mean? My second question would be, how do I control my cloth diaper addiction?! 🙂 Haha, I’m always SO tempted to buy diapers when I see them on sale (especially the brands I haven’t tried yet, but have been admiring!), but I’m not pregnant with baby #2 yet, so I know my husband would not approve my purchases! I visited Fuzzibunz and I just love their color selection. It’s hard to even choose a favorite, because I love them all, but I love the new Spearmint and I’ve always loved Apple Green because it’s bright and fun and still gender neutral! Thanks
Julie G
My question would be about cloth diapering a NB… I have invested in some NB size diapers and am also hoping to be able to use some of my OS, if I can get them small enough. What is the best diaper for a NB. I started cloth a little late for baby #1 but I just remember how he always leaked at night when he was a newborn. I was always changing wet clothes in the middle of the night. Is this better with cloth? I hope so… I love FB diapers and my favorite color is probably Green Apple or Kumquat!
Felicia R
I have questions on how to use bleach with my diapers. I prefer to soak them since we have a HE front loader and don’t know how much to use or how long to let them sit for. Then I don’t know if I should wash like normal afterwards or add extra rinses. So, my questions.. how do I use bleach with my diapers and how long should they soak for?
I\My favorite FB color is crushed berries!
My question would be – what is the best less fuss (ie doesn’t require a lot of rinses, additives, etc) detergent to wash CD with? I’m just wondering what the ultimate easy to use detergent is. My favorite color is Grape!
Rachel N
My question is – How long can you leave your diapers before they start to get gross? I am starting to potty train my oldest so we are not using as many diapers in a day… how long can I leave in between washes?
My favorite color fuzzi bunz is apple green
Nikole H.
I’ve cloth diapered my daughter PT for almost a year now and I still wonder if I’m getting the best fit on my daughter. I know there’s no easy answer, but I wish I wasn’t always wondering :/ I like their Spearmint and Apple Green. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Elizabeth B
I like Fuzzibunz in watermelon. My question would be what is the best option for a heavy night-wetter. I use GroVia’s during the day and love them, but the don’t absorb enough at night. I used to use Bumgenius pockets at night, but the microfiber also can’t hold my 15-month old’s wetness. So I’ve tried various hemp inserts, but still not completely satisfied with a complete diaper that keeps pee in, but keeps baby dry. The biggest problem I have with adding hemp is that I still need at least one other microfiber insert to keep her dry, so her diaper is really bulky. It’s not a big deal because it’s at night, but I think it affects the fit of the diaper. Suggestions?
elannbe at gmail
Nikki Moore
My question would be, how many One size diapers really fit from birth? Most seem so big.
I like Buttercream!
I’ve always been interested in cloth diapering but think I’d have a hard time convincing my husband because he’d worry about smell/getting them clean. How hard is it?
Crushed berries is so cute!
I love cloth diapering but always have trouble with Aplix closures. How do I keep them from wearing down?
i love green apple, and my question is.. how do i know what brand/type to start with! there aren’t any stores in my area, so i’ll have to order online. :/
i like the tooti frutti color. is there any rash cream you suggest that is safe on cloth?
Lisa P
These days my favourite is kumquat! My question is, I know snaps are more durable, but are they finicky for “man fingers”, or do most guys get used to them?
Hi I am still pretty new to cloth and have 2 super sensitive girls Im using them on and was wondering what is the best way to go about washing them and whats the best detergent for the super sensitive. In fact I have also been trying to find the best rash cream too any suggestions? Thanks so much and I like Crushed Berries or Spearmint best.
One of my questions regarding cloth diapers is how long can a diaper sit dirty b4 washing? I really like the choco truffle and kumquat colors!
kristen j.
I’ve been using disposable diapers the last day and a half due to a nasty diaper rash and not having any cd safe rash cream. But, I have been using our cloth wipes. I’ve got a few dirty diapers that need washing today and am trying to decide if its safe to wash the wipes with the diapers since the wipes have rash cream on them. what would you do?
I’m torn between spearmint and crushed berries. Love them both!
Nancy Ludka
I am replacing my microfiber inserts with hemp, until I have all hemp can I was the two together? Can I was the hemp with my pocket diapers? My favorite Fuzzi Bunz color is definitely Choco Truffle.
Lindsay Coffman
How do I get my microfiber inserts to stop stinking? My fave Fuzzi Bunz colors are Spearmint & Mac N Cheese.
Katy M.
Kumquat would be one of my favorite colors. I have a 4 month old boy and we have been cloth diapering for about 2-3 months now. We are still using disposable wipes, but will be transitioning over to cloth wipes soon. If I go the cheap route and buy the washclothes that come like 6 in a pack for a few bucks at Wal-Mart/Target, can I wash the washcloths/wipes together with my diapers??!!
Bobbi Kilbarger
First of all, I love the ChocoTruffle fuzzibunz.
My main question would be what are the most absorbent inserts for Fuzibunz?
I am pretty much cloth diapering full time now. I can’t get rid of the smell. I soak. I wash and rinse multiple times. I have used three of the well known cloth-diaper deteregents. What else can I do???
Amy Dillard
I new to cloth diapering, my question is how do I prep all my new diapers, can I wash all different brands together? I like light it up blue and choco truffle!
callista lofton
I began cloth diapering my first son when he was 1 and now am diapering my newborn. Are there diapers that aren’t so bulky for the newborn? I feel like the cloth makes it hard for him to move. I love the apple green color
Sharon M
I am out of ideas for how to keep my little man rash free overnight. He sleeps so long he wakes up with a rah from his wet dipe. We like kumquat.
I’d like to know what the best routine for washing diapers is. And I like Apple Green.
Jodi T
We have been cloth diapering for a little over a year. My biggest problem is ammonia odors, so my question would be what to do (besides a good soak) to get rid of that. I love the crushed berries color!
One question i have about cloth diapering is what is best with newborns while they still have the umbilical cord stub… i didn’t start CDing with my first til 4 months and now #2 will be here soon and i have no idea
as far as the fuzzibunz colors that i like it is hard to decide…. i like the primaries, mint, and choco truffle
What’s the best detergent to use? Spearmint is my favorite color.
susanne wedel
My question is on the amount of diapers you need.
i have 3 boys. i fully in diapers. he is not yet 1 year. then i have 2 in night time diapers. i try to use only cloth for all of them but 2-3 times a week i run out.
i have
6 fuzzibunz
1 grovia aio
5 groviao shells with 7 inserts and 4 booster
3 softbums echo with 7 inserts
1 bestbottoms with 3 inserts plus boosters
4 thirsties duo wraps
1 thirsties duo diaper is on the way
then i have a lot of extra inserts. but i run out of shells, as daycare does not reuse shells but uses them only once.
i wash every other day, but basically have to diaper rotation. i always use all of them.
do i need more. if feel like i already spent so much money…. how will i still be able to save money vs. disposables?
thanks, susanne
amy v
i’ve slowly started to cd but my question is- what diapers are good to use at night? i’m hesitant to cd at night because of leaks.
my fave color is- green apple
annae07 at aol dot com
Kasey Goodnough
My question is, Can you ever have enough diapers? I have over 100. And TTC soon. So I am looking for the cheapest diapers and free is great.
Anne S.
My main question about cloth diapering is what to do for a newborn? I’ve wondered if it’s hard to get meconium staining out of diapers, and also if it’s cost effective to buy a small stash that will only be used for maybe a month. My favorite Fuzzibunz color? Well, we were blessed with a little girl recently so I love the crushed berries!
Sarah Jane
What recommendations would you give to someone who has to use coin operated washing machines and dryers?
I LOVE crushed berries.
debbie m
My question is how do you battle the yeast monster once it has reared its ugly head?? LOL!
I love the spearmint color!
Sarah H
My favorite color that I have is Watermelon, but I would love to have a Spearmint Fuzzi Bunz!
My question is about stain removal. We can’t put our diapers outside to sun at our apartment, and we don’t have many windows that get much light. Are there any other options for stain removal besides sunning?
Lindsey Galvez
I don’t really have a question, as I LOVE cloth diapers and have researched them extensively, but the most often question I see is “How do I wash these diapers to make them NOT stinky!??” It’s a tricky one and takes a while for everyone to get their own wash routine downpat!
I love the Apple Green!
Samantha Allen
My question would be, what’s the best wash routine for someone who has to use a shared laundry mat?
My favorite color is the spearmint!
smoo06 at yahoo dot com
Neva hurlbut
I don’t really have a question other thsn maybe What is the best way to encourage other moms to CD ? Face color choco truffle. I wish they had black.
Jodi J
I’ve been cloth diapering for more than 4 years now, so I feel pretty comfortable but I can never seem to get my AIO diapers with an organic cotton inner to feel soft unless I put them in the dryer. I know that drying the diapers in the machine wears them out faster but when I hang them to dry they are super crunchy and I just can’t put them on my baby. Is there a way to do this?
I’d love to win a diaper in Grape.
Kelsie Harris
I love the apple green color and my question is, How can you convert others to cloth? I am pretty passionate about cloth diapering, because of the heath and environmental benefits, the cost savings, and the fact that they work so much better than disposables in our experience, and they are adorable! I just can’t seem to convince anyone to even give it a try even after explaining all of this to them. Thank you.
Do different brand of cloth diapers (all cotton) actually stain differently? I have been reading reviews and I have seen it mentioned that a specific diaper stains a lot.
I love grape for my little Bunny.