Science Experiment
Candy Corn Science Experiment
Thursday we used this experiment for our home schooling science project for Halloween! We did something similar with candy hearts for Valentine’s Day! The link goes to full instructions, but the basic idea is to use different household liquids and see how they change a piece of candy corn. We used a control this time … [Read more…]
Monster/Halloween Unit Study Pre-K to 2nd
I *love* our local library! Not only are they awesome in letting us take out way more books than they should at a time, but they’re 100% behind us home schooling and do what they can to help us find things we need. It’s not a big place, so there’s not activities all the time, … [Read more…]
May 1-7 Plant/Garden Wrap-Up
We’re to the third week of books and that’s about when our local system seems to run out of age appropriate books for about any topic! At any rate, we’re about ready to wrap up the plants/garden type of study and figure out where we want to go next. This semester has run a pretty … [Read more…]
Rainbow Carnations: Kid friendly plant science experiment
This is just as simple as it seems. 1. White carnations, trim ends on a slant once you have them home. 2. Add dye to water in vases. 3. Stir with a spoon, chopstick, or like we used, a wooden skewer. 4. Add flowers. 5. Observe after a few hours, 24 hours, 2 days, etc. … [Read more…]
Conversation Candy Heart Science Experiment
Experiments are a fun part of our home schooling adventure. Since the kids are still young (3 and 6), I try and base them on things that they like and/or that are easy to visualize. Since all kids love candy and I’d planned to have them count, sort, and graph candy before they ate it … [Read more…]