Not here or there or anywhere sick kid blues
If your child is coughing with a seal like bark, you may take them to the doctor, but be sure to get a mask for the child so your child can’t spread germs. If your child also has a runny nose, you might consider taking them to the doctor but have tissues and teach/make your child wash their hands and cover their face for said coughing and sneezing and NOT with their HAND that they grab community glue and scissors with, okay? It’s just not cool.
Also if your child shows really harsh lines around the eyes, like they are unnaturally tired or in pain, do not take your sick kid out into public except to the doctor. If you must, take them to a pharmacy drive through or quick run into a store for meds, but not a 2 hour shopping trip and not to a LIBRARY even where there are a dozen other kids (including a baby, aww). Yeah. DO NOT take your child who is continually saying they are uncomfortable or need to go to the bathroom to such an event. It doesn’t matter how much they want to be there.
Because if you do, then I will leave. But not before your kid passes on that crud to us. Can’t wait to see which order my kids get sick in. Also since it’s right next to the holiday we will probably have to cancel ALL our plans – which included getting 2 kids to stay elsewhere so we could Xmas shop for them. Whoo. And maybe have a movie night if we were super lucky since we would still have two kids with us. Yup. Because you might only have one sick child, but I could have 4 including an infant. Because 4 dr appts xcopay=$$$ plus follow ups $$$ Because other people make plans thanksgiving weekend and trashing those is kind of crummy. Because you could have let your child and you REST. #forwhomthebelltolls #stayawaysickkid #youhadachoice #stayhome