Cloth Diaper Advocacy
To access the RDA’s information on cloth diaper advocacy, click HERE. Click here and for the rest of the link up and access the other AWESOME cloth diaper blogs at the School of Cloth LINK UP.
From the RDA: Advocating and educating others about cloth diapering and cloth diapers is crucial to the RDA’s mission. Connecting communities and families to the long history of cloth diapering and the everyday benefits helps to increase the number of babies in cloth diapers. Advocacy comes in many forms: education classes, chatting with other families about your decision use cloth, or actively seeking to change policy/standards around diapering practices in hospitals, daycares, and other institutions.
My advocacy
It seems like most of my online interactions happen to revolve around cloth diapering. Groups, pages I am a fan of, Instagram accounts, and so on. My online pals are cloth diaper moms. I don’t have a lot in common with my former classmates. New friends in a new area are hard to come by. Cloth diapers have been a great chatting point online and in real life.
Although I don’t blog a lot anymore, you can find me pretty much daily in the Kelly’s Closet support group. This blog is supported by an affiliate account with the store, too. Need cloth diapers? Click around on my blog for recommendations and then: Click here to visit Kelly’s Closet. Just kidding. Kind of. But if you did use that link and make a purchase, I would buy something to give away on the blog. So it’s not so much supporting the blog as providing a giveaway for my readers.
In the support group, on my blog, in the Cloth Diaper Blogs group on Facebook and pretty much any time I see any question I can answer, I do so with the best of my ability. When talking to new moms or grandmothers in waiting, I mention that we use cloth and how easy it is now that it is modern. I recently talked someone into Project Pomona pants, too, and they showed them to me at church the next week. Baby steps, right?
How do you advocate for cloth diapering?