Linking up with Weird Unsocialized Home Schoolers for their Weekly Wrap up. Click HERE for info/to join!
The C and D States are what we focused on this week: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware.
Scrambled States of America BOARD GAME! <–fabulous!
Name that state flash cards (Teachers pay teachers, Kindergarten Princess)
First 2 pages of ‘mystery19’ from BuildABundle sale mystery package this year. Features state ‘fact’ info and a bit of history.
Topical Books in particular we’re reading the info out of THIS ONE that shows topography and THIS ONE that shows fun facts.
Books the kids are reading on their own: K-1st / 2nd-3rd
If I know any kind of music about the state, I play that and relay any other facts that I know of, adding in history and current events as we go. They loved the Beach Boys station on Amazon! Their art this week was to be ‘famous’, draw a mountain, create a ‘signature page’ to represent the signing of the charter of the first state and their own unique fossil. Everything one does is very detailed but vague and the other is very pink. It’ll pass, right? Hey, I told them, no art is ‘wrong’! They’re growing with every blink.
They’re doing their Fab 5. What I would really love is a giant white board so I can watch the younger one write while keeping an eye on everyone else. Ha! They visited the library for an evening even making beaded bracelets and we’re always seeing something fantastic to stop our work. Like wild turkeys. We are so blessed to live where we do!