My little B, who was my NICU baby, hilariously out-proportioning the bassinet at 9 pounds–is now my absolutely amazing 5 year old. B has been kind of a peek-a-boo genius. She plays the dumb blonde FABULOUSLY. She’s been working the ‘I love blue and trucks’ for a long time. With the approach of five delights in all pink, princesses, and ponies. Not to mention pigs. She still loves pigs.
True story. I’m blessed.
She once told her T-Ball team ‘Black really just doesn’t look good on me–it washes me out’..
She is my old soul child, for sure. Her brain works non-stop, it’s clear that she has a lot going on, even if she doesn’t always share what’s on her mind. She has a giving spirit and seems to really give and accept sincere apologies. Truly amazing. I’m not really sure how else to put what it’s like to be her mom. That adage ‘you catch more flies with honey than vinegar’ — she has it figured out.
She was sounding out words long before she turned 4– to write them, not to read them. I have no idea how that works. Still she was reading some by age 4 and really owned reading a few months ago. Now she reads fairly steadily and with a lot of inflection. You can tell she attempts to figure out words from context, too. Not bad for a princess.
I’ll leave you with this quote for the day. We were walking in a farm type store and everywhere I went, I had kids right behind me. I tossed a careless phrase over my shoulder– ‘why do I feel like I have a shadow’–because they were on TOP of me. That’s when my simply amazing 5 year old piped up with: “because there’s a big light overhead, mom.”
She wins.
Hahahaha!!! She’s a sharp one, alright! Can’t believe she’s 5 already. Time is flying by.