Big Fun!
Crazy things! We’ve done them lately! We even had a little fun doing it!
Used our anniversary dinner money to let the kids ride carnival rides at the 4th of July park celebration. My husband did this. But really why get out more cash? I hope we don’t forget at some point to go to Applebees and pretend it’s a date. Because you know, no sitter. But the kids had fun and I got a little time to cook without 4 kids hanging on me.
Watched fireworks in the rain. Actually, the rest of them did this. The baby threw a fit as soon as the rain started falling so I spent the whole time fireworks were going off changing her while simultaneously breastfeeding her. Peachy. I tried to take a cool photo of us enjoying the fireworks inside the car when the finale went off, and before I could get the camera turned on it was over. We spent about 4 times the length of the fireworks trying to get out of the park.
Hid in the dark in the big kids room and threw stuffed animals at each other– and not let the kids join in.
I 100% started this. My husband made growly noises at me as we were walking up the stairs to tuck the kids in, and I giggled and ran. Spontaneous hiding ensued. It was hysterical. I think the kids may have been upset that we got to do it and they didn’t!
Made home made ice cream (the kind from the packet, but still). We ate some more of this tonight. Pretty tasty. We’d had the packages for a while. I washed out an old ice cream bucket and we made 2 of the packages back to back. It used up some milk and finished up the packages and the rock salt. Three items gone out of our pantry!
Threw colored bubble solution on the kids when the bubble ‘launcher’ dripped instead of launched. I’m not certain why it didn’t work, but it just… dribbled. We eventually put the different colors in one container and blew them like regular bubbles. Good thing is we bought it $5 on clearance, and that was about the price of the bubbles themselves, so no harm, no foul. Plus all the kids HAD to have a bath. No whining!
Anything wild and fun going on in your house? Kids saying anything crazy? Seen any fun movies lately…. the kids loved Finding Dory!