Basics, basics, basics! For the rest of the year, that’s it! Our next couple of weeks in our home school is going to be about finishing out their workbooks. Then I’ll probably spend the rest of the summer culling books from the library and setting up mini lessons and/or scrapping that and making that for next fall. One idea: dinosaurs. I really wanted to get them onto animal classifications for a while yet, but I’m not sure how in depth to go. But they’re adoring the workbooks, so there it is!
The weekend was pretty blah with shopping for groceries, taking care of things outside, and family time. Sunday the school aged girls spent learning about AIRPLANES at the air show. Daddy also treated them to lunch and dessert (and sunburn!) Meanwhile I spent some one on one time with the toddler who has started showing an interest in the alphabet and counting with some accuracy. Interesting. Oh and the baby. Because. She’s around. You know. Can’t escape that! The kids spend some time every few days ‘feeding zombies’ as I like to call it, using tablets to play games. There’s always some TV watching (love educational shows), the inevitable legos, pretend play, and lots and lots of reading.
4 yo– finishing up learning to sort/count numbers 1- 10, and started to learn about shapes.
7 yo–started working on common nouns and adjectives, finished the unit on measuring, did some reading/answering of questions about a folk tale and the end of the cursive chapter where you progress to writing words on your own!
4 yo–continued to learn about shapes (circles and squares)
7 yo–Finished reading/answering of questions about a folk tale , proper nouns, more about adjectives, cursive writing, and info about beginning times tables.
4 yo– shapes continued (ovals, rectangles, triangles), and color by shapes!
7 yo–learning about pronouns, more about nouns and adjectives, write your own folk tale, cursive writing, more info about multiplication and how to write the problems.
4 yo–Finished up shapes: triangles and diamonds, shape review, shapes practice test.
7 yo–finish beginning multiplication info, read a fable and answer questions, learning about nouns/subjects.
Reading for the home school week:
7 yo-Anna, Banana, and the Friendship Split by Rissi
part of Treasure Island
4 yo-random assortment of things around the house
We link up weekly with the Weird Unsocialized Home Schoolers group to see what other folks are doing. Check HERE for more!