This week we took Monday off because the kids spent time with their grandparents this weekend. As adults, we were responsible and took care of the zillions of chores that are impossible to get to when we have all 4 kids being loud at the same time. We hung some shelves which helps to 1. clean up toy area and 2. keep the toddler from pulling the wooden puzzles down on her head and 3. got all the family/card games in SIGHT but also out of reach. I wish we’d done this YEARS ago! We also did recycling, tons of grocery shopping, found some clearance clothes the kids desperately needed, got my husband a wallet as his was LITERALLY falling apart, replaced the blanket on my toddler’s bed (it was a great idea, but sadly the blanket was 100% pilly and ruined so many of her clothes)– with an Olaf comforter and a giant Olaf toy/pillow. If we’d paid full price for everything it would have been north of $300 but we got a bunch of stuff for the kids, plus the comforter, pillow and wallet for a scream of a steal– $75. While not bargain basement prices, the wallet itself was $30 and I’d rather get quality items for $3-$10 now than pay $10+ for cruddy stuff next fall. I had coupons and discounts and was actually quite thrilled with everything.
We knew that Monday would be a total loss because of the kids not getting any sleep at grandparents, so I had already chosen to give them the day off when we found out my husband would be gone the entire week in a work emergency. Needless to say, it’s not an ideal situation. But that meant he didn’t go in early on Monday so we cleared up sticks, branches, broken toys, etc. out of the yard. It was rumored to be a rainy week and we would likely need to mow by the weekend, so we finished burning the pile of sticks and trees that had fallen in a small section of our property that we mow through and also burned our cardboard which was the last of the recycling. All in all it was productive ‘3 day weekend’…
We spent the rest of the week continuing to talk about the upsides of responsibility, respect, being positive, fairness, caring, being a good sibling, trustworthiness, and of course the downsides of being bossy, complaining, etc. The kids did a lot of playing outside, reading, and we even got some puzzles and games out since we could see them all the time now! They found items they hadn’t played with in over a year! The toddler got in on the action by counting with us and doing puzzles, my 4 year old counted to 100!!!! and the 7 year old practiced taking turns and nicely explaining rules to the 4 year old (ahem, we’re working on that)…
We did a lot of talking about responsibility as it relates to our siblings, our family life, how the house would run smoother and we’d do more things if everyone practiced some more responsibility for themselves and their own things. We talked about whole body listening. We practiced folding laundry, being helpful by setting the table, picking up toys, zipping coats, doing the bathing and dressing they can do on their own and quickly and so on. I plan to do a lot more of the ‘hands on‘ things for the rest of the month, as well as adding in some fun Easter activities because, hello, we have to celebrate! I spent the ‘extra’ time I have (ha!) while my husband was away getting a few more books under my belt for the year. I have an idea that reading is going to be completely shot once spring arrives and we start getting outside a lot more! So onto our paper trail!
Paper Trail
We’ve done a lot of counting lately, and the 4 year old counted to 100! Yes!
Learn your phone number
Learn your address
Writing-ABC list of things you can do to be an awesome adult (learning to ride a Bike, learn to Cook and Clean, learn to Drive)… 7 year old
Writing-Copy sentences ‘I love dad, I love mom, I love to run’ etc – 4 year old
Draw 2 ways to get help if you are lost
Topical Books
Oh, Brother…Oh Sister! American Girl A Sister’s Guide to Getting Along by Whitney
A children’s book about being Bossy by Berry
A children’s book about complaining by Berry
Being fair by Small
Caring by Small
I am Positive by Parker
Being Trustworthy by Small
Respect Counts by Bender
I show Respect by Parker
Being Respectful by Small
4 year old reading (she’s getting there, hallelujah!)
10 little ladybugs by Gerth (self)
Go Dog Go by Eastman (self)
Counting to Christmas by Tafuri (self)
Curious George Snowy Day by Roscovitch
Olivia and the Haunted Hotel by Shepherd
7 year old reading
The valley of the giant skeletons by Stilton
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Dahl
Half Magic by Eager
Matilda by Dahl
Never Girls’ A fairy’s gift by Thorpe
The Princess in black by Hale
Wellspring of Magic by Fields
A Series of Unfortunate Events The Ersatz Elevator by Snicket
Beforever Manners and Mischief Samantha by American Girl
Weekly wrap up joined in with Weird Unsocialized Home schoolers. Click the link for more info and how to play along.