That’s what it’s like to have 4 little girls. Today I sang them a good morning song (think Happy Birthday!) along with huge hugs, and then proceeded to yell at them to hurry up and get out of the way the rest of the day. It happens. I didn’t get a shower and I have a tank top that’s full of spit up that I basically just dabbed off with I forget what now and I’m still missing every single laundry basket which means I can’t move stuff from the dryer to be folded–why not just hold it in my arms? Tank top. Vom. Got it? Good.
I’ve come to the conclusion that if the laundry machines aren’t running that we are desperately behind and that has served me well so far. They haven’t been running most of the day and I’m terrified what tomorrow will bring. That’s just life with 4 kids. By the time we get all the clothes run through, towels done, and anything the toddler may have had an accident on goes through, then it’s time to do diapers again. I’ve always said that having diapers to wash helps me keep up with all the other laundry, now I think it may be the other way around. I nearly forget until I realize that the machines aren’t running, and I go to see why the process has broken down. It’s kind of like seeing the sink full of dishes, either everyone in the family got lazy, or the machine is full of clean–or worse, dirty, dishes. Something else that seems to never end. Don’t even get me started on the glitter in the lint trap from someone’s tee shirt or another.
One of the best things about the newborn stage progressing is the first few grins. We’ve had plenty of baby grins while sleeping, basically from birth–but tonight she gave my husband, or rather his hands as he wiggled them around for her entertainment–2 slow impish grins. They’re completely different than those sleep-filled milk coma open mouthed sighs that are often accompanied by nursing movements. I can’t wait to catch one on camera–or have one directed at me, but until then–I’ll cherish what I can get.