Scoop out a generous amount of mixed dry beans into a plate or on a placemat.
Let them explore!
It’s really as easy as it sounds, and it can be done with kids of any age. Save the beans for a meal or let the kids use them to make collages or for sensory play for toddlers. We used something called ‘15 Bean Soup’ found in the local megamart. I linked it so you can see what the package looks like and as a bonus there’s recipe ideas on the website. When we were done, I used a funnel to slide the beans back in the bag. Easy peasy. Pun intended.
I helped the 3 year old sort out the bigger beans, and she enjoyed exploring the different colors.
The 6 year old made a bean-bow (rainbow) out of them with no help. She used a magnifying glass to explore the wrinkly surfaces of the beans.