What season do YOU think is the most wonderful time of the year? Is it winter?
No, no, definitely not.
My husband LOVES the snow.. Loves! Me? Not so much. I’d rather it bee 100 degrees, high humidity, working outside with sweat rolling down my nose… give me heat! I can always cool down with the air conditioning, take a cool shower, and be fine almost immediately, but I hate to shiver. I hate that you can get cool pretty easily but staying warm is almost impossible and it costs a LOT of money in heating! Let me say that this is a lot more difficult when you’ve spent the last nearly 6 years half naked nursing babies every hour or so!
In short? I’d rather it be sunny and 75+ than snowy and -5!!!
I hate the heat. I don’t love snow, though. My perfect day is chilly in the morning, like in the 40s and then 80 or so in the afternoons. I like long sleeves, sweatshirts and sunglasses. 🙂