I see it every year. People lamenting, ‘poor me’ the school is closed for 2 weeks, what am I going to do with my kids for that long?
Here’s an idea–play with them! I don’t understand the mentality of having a breakdown because your children are home… that’s why I HAD kids… to enjoy them. While some kids are harder to enjoy than others, or some times are more difficult to enjoy than others….it’s really true, time does fly. So this year, don’t lament– just give it your all. Wear them out until they’re exhausted at bedtime, and you will be too. Everyone will get a long winter’s nap….and ready to face the school bus in January.
For the most part, kids that are in school should have no trouble occupying themselves. They can read, do art projects, watch movies (hey they can operate a remote!), use computers or tablets, and of course TOYS- all the new toys they get. Not to mention cleaning. My kids don’t say ‘bored’ or they get a chore to do. Simple as that. They get un-bored really quickly! Your job is to provide things for them to do, theirs is to pick from those things and enjoy themselves.
If you’re at home for vacation, then use it to the fullest. Before you know it, you’ll be saying, wait where did the time go? End of school already? What are we going to do all summer? But… you entertained them when they were tiny…. it’s just a little more rowdy now, right? Get rowdy right back! Anything that doesn’t absolutely HAVE to get done? Skip it. Anything that does? Involve the kids. They can empty the dryer into a basket. Fold clothes. Vacuum or sweep. Pick up toys. After all, they clean up their own messes at school. Don’t let them fool you into doing it at home too! Pretty soon, they’ll catch on, and either enjoy the one on one time, or high tail it to their room to occupy themselves. Then it’s time to put up your feet, look at Christmas lights and think what a good thing you’re doing for society-teaching your kids how to entertain themselves!