Can’t believe it’s report card time already. Also that they give letter grades in Kindergarten. Also that grades still exist. Also that I have to say things like ‘it doesn’t matter what color you end up on at the end of the day, we love you no matter what.’ and also ‘I’m sure if you’d rather read during your punishment time than play a game, that they’d let you, go ahead and ask’… and ‘honey the kids that end up on red aren’t bad kids, just good kids having a bad day’…. got that one in just under the wire–Let’s face it, red days provide more stimulating discussion than the others. Also some rules, while necessary, are stupid.
I started this post in September. I had a lot more to say about it back then and even more now… but the general gist is that even though her teacher is very nice, Kindergarten doesn’t really seem like the place for our kid. She has spent a few days in the first grade classroom and seems to be thrilled to learn new things there.
But I’m not convinced that’s the answer either. She has brought home so… and mean SO many bad choices. Not to mention illness. Her vocabulary and thinking skills are moving backwards. She went from a kid that worked through what was bothering her to just shutting down and throwing a tantrum again. We’d just gotten over that and had a few good months before that started up again.
If my kid is continually being sucked downward and pulled backward, how can I keep her in school?