My 3 year old is learning the alphabet. We started with A.
We cut up an apple, talked about seeds, how seeds turn into plants, and ate the apple. We also stamped painted apple onto one of the worksheets.
We enjoy downloading letter worksheets and more from are a few scattered from A-D. Check out my profile for other collections. 10 free downloads a month.
*Color the animal by description (and baby animal pages from 1+1+1) This is pictured above and we did MANY more worksheets from this pack. After this letter, I decided to use a write-on and wipeable pouch (found online or in stores around August- larger stores more frequently) for most worksheets that aren’t strictly coloring sheets. I can’t wait to get to “D” because there is a Doc McStuffins pack! I love this site, and it’s free.
Begins with the letter A (Melissa and Doug have quite a few printables- here’s another one: Letter A maze)
Sign language letters I thought it was worth discussing sign language as we went along, and the coloring pages are fun to look at as well.
For more Fauxmschooling, check out these pins: Fauxmschooling.
We try and balance a LOT (a LOT!) of reading on nearly any topic to go with a handful of worksheets, to include mazes, tracing letters, etc. It doesn’t matter what books you read, as the important thing is introducing kids to letters and their sounds. It’s the beginning of learning their sounds and sounding words out, which is helpful for larger, unfamiliar words that aren’t memorized in kids’ early years.