One of the NABLOPOMO topics from earlier in the month was to talk about your favorite holiday memory. Many things I remember aren’t ‘good’ per se, just memorable. But I’ll think about good ones for today. While I am sure most people could solidify something spectacular, I’ll post a few highlights and maybe you can share yours.
- Last year the kids got a power wheels. While they didn’t flip out, they have loved it ever since. It was on deep discount, and we assume it will be in use for about 5-10 more years.
- Putting the kids in matching PJ’s for Christmas eve service. Footie jammies rock! This works until they got old enough to be asked to sing in the choir.
- Taking the kids back home post-service, reading the night before Christmas and the Christmas story out of the bible to them. every year. Love it!
- Every Thanksgiving. Ever. Visiting with my aunts in particular. They’d get to laughing and have trouble stopping. Telling old stories.
- Hand making (or DIY/semi-homemade) Halloween costumes for the kids. Particularly those that end up as contest winners (click Halloween link for tutorials!)
- The fuzzy cozy that goes on top of Easter eggs. I have mine, got one from my grandma’s house, and my mom found one for Casey last year. Aww! Glad to pass this one on!
I’m sure there’s a lot more, but for now, my computer is ready to power off. Have a great day and leave your memories below or on Facebook!
My son’s first Christmas is a little fuzzy because I had just given birth on Dec. 9 and I was in a newborn haze with all sorts of breastfeeding problems, but I digress. We got my daughter a mini travel pillow to use as a “boppy” for her baby doll. She was so excited. It was very cute. I also tear up at those photos now because she had that one baby doll that she loved so much. Well, the next Christmas a very generous person got her a Bitty Baby and her “old” doll has been hanging out in the stuffed animal bin ever since. I miss Little Baby!
I’m pregnant with my first child, so I don’t have any memories with my own kids yet. But when we were young, my sister and I would turn on the Christmas lights on the tree, turn off the lights, and sing Christmas carols!
Post a picture of the Easter Egg thing… never heard of it. And I’d like to see it.
I didn’t realize how wonderful the aunties were until they were mostly all gone. And it took me until I was a senior in high school before I figured out they were all sisters.