Hooded sweatshirt in a parrot color
Yellow felt for beak and feet
Blue, green, gold, or red felt for wings and tail feathers
White and black felt scraps for eye
Hot glue, needle and thread, safety pins or fusible tape to attach felt to hooded sweatshirt
Accessories like contrasting pants, brightly colored socks, gloves, etc.
That’s it! Simple and inexpensive.
Ready to start? Great!
Step 1:
Cut a general ‘beak’ shape from the yellow felt.
You can either make it wider like a pentagon and wrap and sew/glue it shut and then stuff with felt scraps, cotton balls, etc. before attaching it to give it dimension OR simply cut a triangle, attach and done! I opted for the 3-dimensional look.
Easy DIY Parrot.
Step 2:
Use white, cream, or brightly colored felt to free form a patch area for the eye. It can look like a fried egg, amoeba, etc. The more oddly shaped, the better.
Then cut a rough circle from white felt for the eye and a black spot for a pupil and attach all the pieces to the hoodie.
Step 3:
I used a few different colors of felt for the wing feathers tail. Lay them out in a color pattern you like. Since our hoodie was red, we used assorted blues, gold and green. I simply cut the pieces of felt in half, and then cut triangle shapes into the bottoms of the felt. We layered them so they would overlap to make a cape of feathers across the arms. This also kept them from being in temptation range for an infant to chew. You can cut individual feathers, make ones to attach to gloves, pants, etc. You can make this as complicated or as simple as you like. In the interest of time we made it as easy as possible.
Step 4:
Attach all the feathers and tail feathers to each other and the hoodie with glue, thread, etc. We opted to glue the cape and tail feathers together, and then to make 2 stitches to each shoulder and sleeve so we could re-use the hoodie later.
DIY Parrot Costume
Step 5:
Cut talons, and any other final items you might want and add to the outfit. We put a couple of stitches and loosely attached the talons to brightly colored socks. Depending on what kind of time you have, you could add some additional feathers, add details like a finer kind fringe on pants, etc. Put the hoodie on, add accessories, and go!
Inexpensive, fast and easy PARROT Costume Tutorial
Adorable!! And I know you know, but they are growing up so fast!!!!