I had this post ready 3 weeks ago, and since then, 2 other bloggers have put out print games! Great minds, right? Well, figured since I have my ‘stash shot’ (no longer current, curse you Kelly’s Closet!) that I’d roll it out and see who wants to play my game! I spy _____ ! What do you see?!? What’s on your ‘stash’ bucket list? What’s your must have that you don’t already have?
(affiliate link in post)
Ok so I definitely see a lot of BumGenius (which, due to laziness I shall not list, but I promise, I know them!) but surprisingly that’s all I know here!
Wow, that’s a LOT Of diapers! I see Tiny Tush, bumGenius and Flip, Swaddlebees/Blueberry, Econobum and maybe some WAHM diapers that I can’t identify.
i cannot name them all- i do know the BG, blueberry, thirsties, i think #14 is imagine there are a few i recognize like the panda butt (#6) but not sure from where… but wow 64 diapers 🙂