Okay so this post is pre-planned, because you just never know with holidays what will happen so… hopefully all will go as planned and I’ll reflect on it afterward for you. The PLAN is that tonight we will host and feed real immigrants to the US. They even have funny accents. They came seeking religion…
sound familiar?
Kind of like the first Thanksgiving… but ours are from Australia and it’s not likely that they’ll spread smallpox to us in retribution for our kindness and take over our property… or something.
They’ve been in the US about 6 years and should get citizenship sometime in the coming year, I think.
Both parents are pastors and the teen girl is our babysitter.
Since they don’t ‘celebrate’ Thanksgiving in the typical way, and we’re not traveling of course, we’ll just be hanging out, noshing and enjoying the kids and Christmas decorations…
or that’s the plan anyway…a lot can happen in the…4 days until then 😛
Have you ever celebrated a Thanksgiving or holiday a little unusually?
Oh, yes! Whenever we all get together (which is rare – about every 10 years), we have a family portrait made. It’s always loads of fun, but last year one of my brothers threw a twist into the works. We had our normal portrait, but then we also had our “theme” portrait where all of us dressed up as super heroes. That was a blast! The next time we do this, we’ll need a different theme but it’s definitely a “thing” now!
I am giggling at the funny accent reference. What pray tell is so funny about our accent? Huh? Hope your dinner went well and my fellow aussies behaved themselves. 😉 Happy thanksgiving to you all xoxox