My mom has long held the ideal that if you could only have your second child first, you’d do much better at being parents. Until I had 2 kids, I had no idea what she meant. Breastfeeding a second baby was easy. Cloth diapering a second baby was even easier. Potty training was easier (although I think this had a lot more to do with personality than anything). Even the tantrums? Well I’m kind of ashamed to say it, but the tantrums are FUNNY. Now maybe it’s that personality thing again, or maybe experience is the big key, but watching my 2nd one melt down is almost hilarious. It’s hard not to laugh. My first one still drives me insane when she has a tantrum (she IS almost 5 and it’s a bit ridiculous at that age), but the toddler? It’s less of a terror than a tee-hee.
She will tell you EXACTLY what she wants. You know why she’s mad. Sometimes, it’s because ‘you said no to me’… I mean come on, how adorable is that? It’s like she can’t believe we would tell her no. Now, the kids have been raised under the same rules, and it’s not like she gets MORE than her sister did (maybe in the way of treats, a little earlier in life, because when big sister asks for a cookie, how do you tell the toddler no?!?) but for the most part, it’s all been the same. So why would being told no (a regular occasion around here) — be something to be mad about? I really want to ‘lol’ at her.
I’m not sure why the adage rings true, but it does. Having my second child first would have been so much easier, but I did learn a lot of valuable lessons from my first, so I guess I’ll just let that go.
Have you found raising a second child was easier or wish you had them first?
I find that I’m more laid back about some things (I nursed my baby at Subway. Twice.). I do find myself just as fanatical about others. Flu season is starting. I think I’ll stay home until March.
If I’d had my 2nd child first, she would have been an only child.