A peek at the week….inside my womb:
Fruit/Veggie Comparison: 31 weeks: Baby is about the size of a coconut– it now weighs about 3 1/3 pounds and measures more than 16 inches from head to heel.
Shape: I’m not sure why I ever listed ‘shape’ on here. Round. The answer is always ROUND! This belly is like a hard rubber ball, though. What I find hysterical is that last week someone said, well you’re carrying low so it must be a boy. Then this week they said you’re carrying high so it must be a boy. Umm, what? Lol.
Food: Food is now my enemy. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and see the counselor on Tuesday to get a menu plan. In the meantime I’m following a ‘weight loss’ plan that was supposed to be diabetic friendly that I got when I had high cholesterol–it didn’t drop my cholesterol AT ALL mind you. But it does give me more ‘guidelines’ to follow. I’ve dropped a couple of pounds. We’ll see if that keeps up or not. Anyway, I’m over the ‘I can’t have sugar, waaah’ whines now, so we’ll see what they say and if it’s more or less restrictive. Either way, I froze the unopened bag of candy corn, sent the open bag with my hubby to work, and have resolved to just be very careful with everything else.
Least favorite thing: All the weird symptoms. Plus with no sugar highs, the baby moves less 🙁
Most favorite thing: Spending time in the fall weather with my girls. Wednesday, I was out for THREE hours. Yikes. I paid for it on Thursday with really sore legs!
Mental state: Completely insane. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Otherwise, why would you read here?
-During October, I was going to be whipping up giant batches of food and freezing it, including cookies, etc. for when the baby comes– but now with the GD I’m not even sure what I’ll be able to eat.. so that’s been put on the back burner for now.
-I mailed in the cord blood paperwork this week. I still have fingers crossed we can donate, even with the GD.
-I’m still hoping to get the nursery set up (we need to move a piece of furniture), diapers sorted through and fall decorations out, Christmas ones ‘down’ and all that stuff rearranged so that we have easy access, no matter what comes along. I feel like those are our last hurdles before I can just relax and wait it out. Also in doing all that I hope to unearth the girls’ scrapbooks and get them started. I know we need to finish Halloween costumes first, I did do ONE of those, and it’s a DIY cat costume HERE. <– that’s a pinterest pin, but it links back to my blog from a couple of days ago, so if you don’t have a pinterest account, just go back a couple of pages, I think it’s on the 8th! My hubby has been working on the other one, but now he’s working 12 hour days, and may even go in this weekend, so that’s on the back burner for the moment, too. Anyway, once we have that little thing completed, then we can set those aside and just wait for trick or treat night/times!
-I’m slowly ticking other things for the fall off my list. I ordered some more presents for the kids from the gigantic ‘shall not be named’ princess corporation with free shipping. The sales tax in our state took away the rest of our discounts, basically, but at least we have a few things that can be wrapped when the time comes–for CHRISTMAS. I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but I did wrap some presents for my almost 5 year old for her birthday in a couple of weeks and sorted out the ‘toy stash’. It’s pretty small right now but at least there’s something for everyone. I’m not even sure what to do for the baby at this point. We don’t ‘need’ anything at all if it is a girl, hopefully (because if we did it would be because there was some sort of medical issue or something, we have all standard things)… and if it’s a boy we’re set for a certain period of time with gender neutral items. Maybe just soap, baby Q-tips and the like? Would that be wrong?
Mindy @The Inquisitive Mom
Sometimes I forget all the lists that come with expecting a baby! I’m sorry for the yucky stuff, like worrying about controlling sugars and needing to rest. Hang in there! Baby will be here to cuddle soon.