A peek at the week….inside my womb:
Fruit/Veggie Comparison: baby is about the size of a butternut squash–about 2 1/2 pounds and over 15 inches long
Shape: pumpkin-esque
Food: While I’m not foraging non-stop, nor do I feel like I’m ‘eating for 2’, I am on the ‘eat a little bit, wait an hour, eat a little bit’ cycle. I don’t like it, because I get queasy if I’m not eating every little bit. Blah. It makes going anywhere an annoyance. Yesterday I ate a bowl of cheerios, and then, well just didn’t eat anything else. By noon my hands were shaking.
Least favorite thing: Waiting out the various symptoms I’ve had all this time.
Most favorite thing: Those sweet wiggly movements. I will definitely miss them.
Mental state: Tired.
We did drop off all the items at the ‘free yard sale’ our church is having, so that’s out of the house. We’ll go back tomorrow and look for clothes for K and picture things to hang to decorate our house. Now that it’s painted, may as well see what other people don’t want anymore and use those! If we end up not likely them, well we can take them back next year!
I took pictures (for a future post) and re-packed nicely a box of diapers for donation to the Share the Love program (this box went to Iowa City and was full of newborn girl items basically). I decided that if I need those diapers, I could easily buy more, and until then, I rotated some flats into my newborn stash. Fair enough. I’m excited for them to be received, though! The box weighed over four pounds!
I had my oldest try on all the reasonably size-appropriate clothes that I’d either bought for her or she’d been handed down (or I got at the free sale last year)– she has a birthday coming up and of course after that it will be filling in at Christmas time if she doesn’t have enough I guess. I only put a few items ‘away’, but a lot more need to be- we’ll just see what we can come up with at the sale and birthday (because just TOUCHING your wrist is a little small for long sleeved clothing!)
I’m still casually mentioning getting the rest of our upstairs and downstairs storage cleaned out and stuff migrated to my husband. Apparently I haven’t been annoying enough yet, because he hasn’t volunteered to help.
I have a Dr appointment next week so we’ll see what else we come up with (did the pp move, do I have gestational diabetes, is my leg going to fall off– at this point, who knows?) I just hope we get a clean bill of health…then we’d have 10 weeks to go!! I can’t believe how fast it has gone!
Keeping kids in right-sized clothing is ALWAYS a challenge. My son is outgrowing everything he owns and now that he’s the size of a man, replacing stuff is more expensive. Lucky for me, he likes the $10 WalMart pants and t-shirts from goodwill! The only real issue I have with his growth is SHOES!!!