A peek at the week….inside my womb:
Fruit/Veggie Comparison: Baby is the size of an ear of corn (12 inches), but heavier…
Shape: depending on the way baby is positioned LUMPY! I’ve gained 2 lbs a week over the past couple of weeks, so I’m at +8 lbs roughly now overall.
Food: Honestly? Whatever is available. I’m still taking my vitamins and I feel pretty good (except for the tired)…and I do try and make some good choices, but usually leftovers or whatever I can scoop out of a container is what I end up eating. I just ate a giant marshmallow while I got the cereal out– but one serving is all the whole grain you need in a day and I topped it with peanuts for protein. I’ll pour some juice in a bit. That may last for an hour or two. Basically I’m focusing on not eating when I’m not hungry and not overeating. I don’t crave anything, and nothing sounds good, really. It’s just… blah.
Least favorite thing: Both adults in the house being cranky because of ‘pelvic rest’.. let’s just leave that one alone.
Most favorite thing: Feeling baby move– big time!
Mental state: Most of the time, I’m just biding my time. Sometimes a kick to the bladder or odd movement scares me. I wish I could enjoy things more. The worry is constant, even if it’s not ‘bad’.
It feels like things are slowly coming together. Big sister is in her big kid bed, and has only fallen out once. She’s daytime trained and has been for a while. One diaper at night is no big deal and a lot of times it’s not even wet. I’ve been so blessed in that way. She’s nearly ready to move out of the nursery.
We shifted all the kids’ ‘kitchen’ stuff upstairs and so we just need to do a big shuffle of toys so that the ‘3+’ tiny toys are boxed that she can’t get into them, and we’ll be ready for her to go upstairs and make a real playroom out of the space up there. It just takes organization and daddy to be willing and able to help me when I am ready all at the same time. Then we’ll need to decorate, etc. for the new room or shared room, whichever we do. Maybe we’ll do all that in the next week, who knows?
…and of course I didn’t have any of these colors from bumGenius so when I saw them for sale as seconds (aka they have the wrong color thread on the inside)… for about $5 off apiece, I grabbed them up. I’ll be using prefolds or flats as inserts once they fit, anyway.
*Note: If you’re interested in buying any of the above diapers, 2nds only come around once in a blue moon, but they’re always available with inserts at Kelly’s Closet! …and of course if you use that link, you net me 5%. Can’t beat that! See sidebar or PR info for details!
Great deal on the BumGenius dipes! I saw there was a seconds sale but had no idea they were THAT cheap! I love the Irwin, too:)
Jutta Pearce
The CottonBabies 2nds sale has been one of the best ways for me to build my stash. I have been so thankful for that. Yeah, for baby movement! Boo, for pelvic rest! You’re over halfway, so, getting close to the finish line.
I got a flip in clementine (one color I don’t have yet) and I’m excited to get it! I’m working on potty training my girl and she’s doing pretty well. Not quite dry at night time yet but we bought a bunch of toys to bribe her with so she goes #2 in the potty!