The toddler had a wet fart in her training underwear. Your preschool aged kid progresses to the ‘getting yelled at and early nap time’ part of the routine– despite repeated warnings. You read how someone else had a perfect VBAC and cry ugly tears, and are incredibly jealous because you know that you’ll never get that. Ever. No matter what. Once your kids get up from nap, they’re back in timeout 2 minutes later for fighting over a toy. You’re terrified that your ultrasound later in the week is going to show some horrible defect. You curse now and again, in front of your kids out of pure frustration. You’re too tired for all the whirlwind adventures everyone else seems to go on, and just a trip to the library leaves you exhausted and your kids throwing tantrums for no known reason..
It doesn’t matter how many things went right. It all just builds and builds and builds and your nap time goes from possibly relaxing while cruising the internet to wanting to just drop yourself off at the fire station and hope some hunky fireman adopts you and you forget your past life.
If you haven’t been there…
Then this is NOT the blog for you.
If however, you know exactly what I mean, even if the situations aren’t identical, then you’ve found your mecca, come on in. Some days are just like that. They’re not packed up all pretty in bubble wrap, tied with a perfect silky ribbon around a crush-free box, and too gorgeous to open-no matter what’s inside. They’re messy, stinky, and nothing anyone would ever want to tie a bow around and give (or receive) as a present. Because although life is a very special gift, it’s not perfect. It’s a learning experience. All of it. If you have all the answers, then either you’re really old or you really haven’t lived. It’s a blessing. It’s a lesson. It’s a ‘blesson’… I really wouldn’t trade mine for a hunky firefighter (think of the scandal in a small town!) but some days.. it just feels like it.
Can you relate? Talk about it!
I’m wondering about your current obsession with firefighters. 😉
And I think that most parents, moms especially have been there. It’s not weird. It’s not unusual. It’s just… life.
Would you believe me if I told you that when your kids grow up you’ll actually be nostalgic for this??
It is so true! Those days when the kids are fighting before they have even gotten out of bed…ugh I just want to hide in my room all day. But a mommy can’t do that so we go out and do our best.
Oh my I’ve been there, had those type of days! Yikes!!