…. real life exists! Thanks to you non-cloth diapering folks for sticking with me through flats week and getting the fun surprise right in the middle!
Here’s a quick breakdown:
Garden—we have 2 cherry tomato plants and pumpkins sprouting. I figure at this point, that’s all Keeley cares about, so we’re going with that. The older kids will be able to play outside during nap time for baby next spring, so I hope to have more luck next year. Our strawberries got waterlogged and did squat. Asparagus was blah. Not even enough to worry with picking.
House—I really wish we’d have made more progress by now, but at this point, Matt’s considering hiring someone to paint. I think he’s worried about fumes, but most paint is safe enough now and the weather has been good enough to open the windows, but the grass has been saturated due to the excessive rain, and blah blah blah, so, yeah. All we do is mow…and wait out the rain in between.
Baby—17 weeks in utero, check the ticker on the sideline for fun facts or weird grossness, whatever it posts. I’m still waiting on a Facebook reveal, my husband hasn’t called his grandma yet. He better do it soon or someone is going to spill the beans. Right now everything looks okay. Ultrasound next month.
Brennan—aka the toddler is now wearing big kid underwear during the day, and a diaper for nap and night. She has not yet had a mess in underwear. I stay on top of her and she doesn’t go that often, and we waited until we figured (2 or 3 days in a dry diaper except naps) that her bladder was holding. She’s not even TWO yet! Meanwhile she’s starting to want to do things herself and her vocabulary and understanding is amazing. Going to plan on getting her a big kid bed and starting the transition.
Keeley—aka the big kid is still reading like a champ. Her attitude could still be much better. She has a year to go until Kindergarten. She’s still doing swimming lessons (her back crawl is very fast) and will start her ‘after school’ club up again in September. For now, that’s all she’s doing and some weeks that feels like too much running. Hopefully we can get her to do both items on Monday and only have one day a week that’s taken up by her stuff, and have the rest to relax! We do go to the library for summer reading, but that’s nearly over already! I have a feeling I’m going to need to get her on a ‘work at home’ type of thing where she does worksheets and reads for a certain amount of time during the day, both to get her used to sitting still and following through on lesson plans. If anyone has ideas for crafts that she could do that could be shipped OUT of my house, I’d love to hear it. Like, cards for soldiers, things like that. More than happy for her to do a whole stack of things that don’t sit around my house for too long.
Matt—his new job seems to be going okay, and he’s doing this new work schedule that keeps him away longer 9 out of 10 days, but then he has the 10th day off (paid) since all he has to do is get 80 hours in 2 weeks. He’s still going in before dawn so he can have a reasonable amount of time with the kids before bed.
Me—I’m pregnant. I’m not nearly as exhausted as I could be, nor as sick. That’s a bonus. My anxiety level is pretty high, though, so I’m always on edge. Blogging is my peaceful time after packing hubby’s lunch and making coffee and shipping him out the door. I wish I were more on top of things, but I’m not letting it get to me. I take my ‘good days’ and bust through as much junk as I can. I’m making mental plans for stocking our food for the winter, pre-cooking and freezing post partum meals, having Christmas shopping done before December, etc. I’m due 12-12, but will have a C section planned before that. My current goal is to still be surprised by everything, we’ll see how much surprise I can actually get. My kids have a way of destroying plans by breaking my water, so really it’s a ‘no plan’ kind of pregnancy. My goal is to have read 50 books by the end of the year. If you’re on goodreads, go find me and add me and see what I’m reading, or type goodreads into my search bar and check that. I’ve done some tough ones and some really easy peasy tween type of reads, just for good measure.
Thanks for the update, Jill! Brennan is certainly way ahead in the potty training… Just goes to show you that each kid is different. You must be so proud of Keeley’s reading! I love a kid that reads. My son was “reading” since he was very small – always had a book with him. Of course, it was so much MORE fun when he suddenly understood the meanings of the words on the page. He’s still a great reader. Starting on Stephen King (The Stand and It) and Dean Koontz (Lightning). He was getting bored with his fantasy stuff, so I asked him how he’d like to try something different! Sounds like everything is moving along just as it should. Congratulations on your future arrival!
Congratulations! Good luck! I could not read at all while pregnant. I couldn’t crochet or watch TV either. I was reading before pregnancy 5-9 books a week and then went to a favorite author book I had been waiting on, it took me 7 months to complete the book. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. It drove me batty!