All the sudden, spring, cold and rainy, turned into summer and with it came 90+ degree temps. What once was 20 degrees cooler than normal became 10 degrees hotter than normal, with biting bugs during the day.
So I went through my kid’s toys upstairs (read: made her clean them up and trash some junk)—and brought down one of the toys she got for Christmas that she hasn’t touched upstairs. It has become the hit for the toddler. I think I may have posted about it on facebook, but basically it’s a giant Mr. Potato head that has 4 potatoes and accessories inside it. I got it for a steal (from Kohl’s I think) during the Thanksgiving online price dipping wars. The whole thing is like a bucket with a screw on lid– hat shaped, that holds all the pieces inside. Genius. So far the toddler likes to dump all the pieces out, and then put a few of the ‘bits’ on and ask me to take them back off again when she can’t get them. Works for me. Then she puts them all back in the container.
I also rearranged all the toys on the shelves downstairs and put the musical instruments and heavy wooden blocks on the floor. This made room for all the puzzles to stack up on the shelf in 2 stacks, which is a bit less ‘whack on head’ prone because it’s lowered about 6 inches and less totter-y from the other items being removed beneath them. Win/win. The kids now play with those 3 items (which weren’t being played with before) and it helps them get through those tough parts of the day (between breakfast and lunch and between nap and daddy getting home) a lot easier. It’s amazing what a little rearranging of items can do to help spread summer joy!
Anne Sweden
It’s so funny when you “discover” one of their old toys and suddenly it’s new again!