Six months ago we were unbelievably stressed about money. Our mortgage had just gone up AGAIN. Fixed rate, ha! The mortgage company never did figure our taxes right so we kept going in the ‘hole’ in our escrow. Then our insurance was 2x what it should have been. We refinanced, changed the insurance and wow. I THINK we only have one payment left to finish off our credit cards. Then we can either finish the house or start taking huge chunks out of Matt’s student loan or one of our vehicle loans.
Keeley’s reading and playing a touch more on her own. Her independence is tempered with extreme frustration on her part. She wants to do things on her own, but immediately yells and cries (doesn’t ask for help) when things don’t go exactly right. Add in a huge dose of bad attitude and ‘wrong side of the bed’ and she’s not a lot of fun to be around most days. She lets one tiny thing get to her (like getting the wrong thing to drink for breakfast, being told her clothes don’t match) and then it seems to ruin her whole day. I don’t know what to do about it. I try and explain how it makes everyone unhappy when she’s so upset over something that doesn’t really matter all that much, but it happens repeatedly.
Brennan’s asking to use the bathroom or telling us her diaper is wet on a regular basis. She’s not even 22 months. Amazing. I’m not pushing her at all, but she seems motivated, so go her! She has JUST started saying ‘I can do it’ etc. Should be interesting to see how that plays out. Meanwhile she’s mostly smiley and repeats everything we say. That tends to get us in trouble. Oops.
Both kids seem to have bottomless pits for stomachs and want to be home as much as possible. For some reason leaving the house sets everyone off. They are digging being outside more, but the weather is not very cooperative.
Matt started a new job a few weeks ago. He’s working longer hours right now due to the fact that we went to a conference last week, trying to make up time, and hoping to go to a shorter work period overall by working longer hours 9 out of 10 days and then getting the last day off. I think the kids would love it and I certainly would appreciate knowing I could schedule appointments on a specific day and not need a babysitter or worry about him taking time off in order to see the dentist, etc.
Yup, things they are a changing for everyone.