… but I’m not. You see I have a husband who is a veteran (although he can’t get into the local VFW because he was never in a foreign war)– I have a dad, stepdad in law, cousins, uncles, etc. that ARE veterans. That served in foreign wars. They deserve my respect every day, yes that is true.
Then you get to those who served, foreign wars or not, that are deceased and also served in the military. THOSE are the people you remember on Memorial day.
Not current veterans, currently serving, or those just going to boot camp.
Because Memorial day is for those who are gone.
Not those who live.
Please celebrate them on Veterans day, and those who have gone on… give them your respect this weekend. Give them your memory. Memorial. Show them respect for their past service. Don’t cloud up their memory with those that are in the sand, in the sea, or flying through the air. Don’t cloud up their ‘holiday’ with those that are barbequing or celebrating the birth of a new child.
Celebrate Memorial day for those upon whom that weighty banner of ‘lost’ rests.
I’m not sure why I feel the need to say this, perhaps it’s because as a country we are SO focused on ‘not forgetting’ our veterans that we’re actually doing our deceased veterans a disservice. I’m sure there are those who disagree with me, and that’s fine. I’ve seen every single ‘holiday’ on social media getting clogged with ‘don’t forget veterans’..that it annoys me. No one is forgetting. Really. Pinky swear. (and I NEVER pinky swear)…
Go out this weekend and do whatever you normally would. But stop for a minute in your shopping, and cooking, and family meeting and sleeping in to remember those who were lost. Not those who can still be found.
Mindy @The Inquisitive Mom
Well said, Jill, and not unpatriotic in any way. As the child of a deceased veteran, I appreciate this post.
I suspect more than a few of us feel the same way you do. I’m all for respecting and thanking those in the armed services (I have a number of them in my family as well), but MEMORIAL is for those who have died. VETERAN’s are for those who have served. ARMED FORCES DAY (which was just on May 18th) is for thanking those currently serving in the military.
YES!!! Very well said. And while we are here – I am going to add my pet peeve of EVERY holiday being about a sale… Memorial Day has become not about remembering, but about getting a bargain. Even MLK Day is a time to buy that new mattress you’ve been needing…. and nothing sells new cars like Abe Lincoln and our Presidents. Grrr…