Today had it’s ups and downs. On one hand, my oldest was a handful, she just did not want to nap, and she really needs to. She ended up spending the afternoon in bed since she refused to nap.
On the other my toddler played beautifully by herself outside, climbing the ladder to the playhouse (sometimes without me to spot her, the minx!) and going down the slide all by herself.
In other big news, she’s been telling us for months ‘poop’ whether she pees or has gas, or what have you, so occasionally I’ll put her up on the potty just to see, and read her a book, etc. Well today it paid off. With a big #2. Jeez I can’t even imagine that having been in her diaper! Wow. Okay enough said, I was so proud of her! She got some mini m &m’s as a treat and has requested to sit on the potty several times again, but of course nothing else has happened, but that’s okay. Talk about awesome for 20 months! She’s also naming some colors and knows a few shapes, and teething sets her back to tears easily. She also fell down and cut her leg open, and she immediately cried with huge tears, but once I ‘kissed’ it she was perfectly fine, crawled on it, etc.
So basically I have an awesome little monster on my hands… and that’s about that.
Just another day in paradise!