… about the time my mom said something hilarious and true to my grandmother (God rest her immortal soul). You see years ago, in the ‘rhymes with flap-tist’ religion, they preached against a lot of things. Dating Catholics. Being around races other than yourself. Jews. FROM THE PULPIT. So it was in her to rant in particular about Jews. Not giving up any money or some other random stereotype.
I will NEVER. EVER. forget the day my mom turned to her MIL and said…
‘you know Jesus was a Jew’
I had to leave the house I was laughing so hard. It took at least 10 minutes for me to come back inside. Every time I tried to touch the door handle I’d fall over again in fits of giggles.
*you have been warned——
Now my parents generation still doesn’t understand biracial marriages or gay marriage, or any of that (even on TV). But that’s okay. My generation sees those as my parent’s generation did railing against Jews.
You know Jesus was kind to prostitutes. We no longer stone unwed mothers. Instead we offer them a hand up (and shut up I don’t want to get into a welfare debate). The fathers usually run for the hills immediately claiming ‘they didn’t do it’. Maury gets a lot of airtime for that. Jesus loves them. He loves the women. He loves the men. He loves everyone. He wants us to love one another. Even if we eat pig or work on Sundays or any of the other dozens of outdated, outmoded man-made laws that everyone used to follow. Jesus was a rule breaker, you know. He was a long-haired hippie freak that really pissed off the establishment. Many, many unmarried or unattached women were in his entourage. Some were widowed, others just had money, but they funded his ministry. They made it possible for the disciples to go out and do their work. For Jesus to perform his miracles. I bet it turned a lot of heads. Caused a lot of talk. Made people angry.
Forget politics, religion, or the pub on Saturday night. Just remember that God loves you. Just the way you are. Gay. Straight. Alcoholic. Bed-wetting psycho pervert. Yup he loves them too. I imagine it sickens him how twisted the bwpp people are. But he loves them anyway. That teenage mother? Yup. He loves her. The drug addict, the army, navy, marines, air force, and even the coast guard and reserves. Doctors. Lawyers. Pencil pushing accountants, bean counters. Wal-Mart clerks. The grumpy old guy at the post office. Republican. Democrat. Black, White. Red. Yellow. Brown (you know Jesus wasn’t white, either, right?) . Cubs fan. Cards fan. Baseball. Football. Hockey. Soccer. Men’s competitive gymnastics. Rock music. Country music. Emo. Freaks. Geeks. Nerds. Squares. Hipsters. Scenes. Populars. Volunteers. Couch potatoes. The sick. The healthy. Those who break, and make life hard on others. Those who sit in the front row and sing in the choir. Those that wince in the back row stinking of booze from the night before. College kids. Babies. Old. Young. Middle age life crisis guys in convertibles. Truck guys. Car guys. Mini-van moms. Smart cars. Rent. Buy. Lease. Sell. Kids. No kids. Dog people. Cat people. Hells Angels. Boy scouts.
However you want do divide the world (because it makes more sense to you that way). He loves them all. So the next time you thinking of shaming your neighbor, or passing judgement, or throwing that stone. Remember. God loves them. He wants you to love them too. You don’t have to approve. It’s not your job. Your job is to love. one. another.
You know… Jesus was a Jew.
*inflammatory or hateful comments will not be tolerated here– this is a safe space. I won’t let my blog become a place where those ‘against’ other people rant. The whole point is to love another another. THE END!
If more Christians believed that way, there would be a lot less anger from people like me. I would not be a believer, but I have no tolerance for those who use their religion as an excuse to be an asshole.
I have many Christian family members. And I love them all. Even the gay ones and the ones who have had problems with alcohol or other drugs or done other things that some of the other “Christians” don’t approve of.
I have to say, though, that we weren’t raised to hate those who are different. It’s just in the past 20 years or so that my parents have become so… narrow. They used to be so accepting. I wish I knew what happened. 🙁
Jesus was a Jew. 🙂