As I pondered my first child’s in-utero actions, she seemed so calm, until we saw her U/S and she was moving, flailing, kicking, all crazy like. That eventually led to rowdiness where she could be felt, and then a wham-o water breaking. Hmm. Seems familiar. Like her hyper attitude and unpredictable behavior now.
Then there’s my second, who gave the LPN a lot of grief chasing her around looking for a heartbeat, then was relatively calm until ‘labor day’ when it was like okay, here we go… then, nope, false alarm, and then… ha ha! Got you! Wham. As they pulled her out, she tried to flip over and cling to my ribs. Kind of like her mischievous smile and ‘can’t catch me’ attitude–until she wants to snuggle.
What about you? Did your kids in-utero/birth stories give you any hint (hindsight’s 20/20!) as to their future characters?