Cleaned up more, made an AWESOME dinner. Seriously I want to go eat more now, but am stapling the covers down. My stomach just growled. Meatloaf, refrigerator mashed potatoes (you have got to try those sometime!) and green bean casserole. Everyone stuffed themselves. Plus we finished 99% of the dishes (I ran the dishwasher before they had ice cream) and folded 7 baskets of laundry–some of them had been sitting for a day or two, others were newly washed today, either way we kept ourselves extremely busy. We are definitely good and tired and ‘earned our dinner’ to put it in an old-timey way (which I love to do!)
We went to church and learned there was going to be a mother-daughter banquet. Then we learned that the kids are going to be singing at it. Joy. Should be entertaining. Also frightening. But my parents are going to come (thanks to the miracle of cell phones it’s already on their calendar), so they can see her ‘perform’…aka do everything during the verses but sing and then come in on the choruses. Should be brilliant. 😛
I am thrilled that are main living spaces are now ‘moderately clean’ and our laundry is semi-caught up. We still need to clean out the closets and such, but for the most part I feel a lot better about the state of the house. Always important when you have little kids running around. Speaking of which, they get up early no matter how late I remember to post. Catch you on Monday!
Cheerful Homemaker
I ended up only doing 2 loads of laundry today. I took a nap for 3 hours instead (G was napping as well!). We had pancakes for dinner. SO yummy.