After we visit the butcher, I mentioned we would package the meat up. Thought I’d share a quick snippet about how we do it. I count out how many pkgs we need, label them (including special ones for 2lb pkgs like chili, etc), and then we use a round container (freezer jar), fold the bag top down with it inside and then fill it with about a lb of meat. Then it’s easy to just unroll the top of the bag, squish it flat, and stack in the freezer. Once they’re frozen, they’ll stack nicely in either direction (in a container or flat) and be easily accessible.
I would highly recommend a food saver if you want to store meat for a long time. We have eaten hamburger that’s four years old from the freezer. Once it’s thawed, you can’t tell it from fresh. No freezer burn, no deterioration.
We don’t ordinarily keep meat that long, it was an accident, but we thawed it out anyway. 🙂
When stuff is on sale, we like to stock up when we can.