Being a stay at home mom and NOT snacking is hard. I know that a lot of times I reach for a nibble of this or that– out of boredom or stress. Or I finish what’s on the kid’s plates, because likely, they’ve eaten my food instead. Since the weather is turning a little nicer (at least not snowing!) we’re about to be outside more. I even mowed grass on Tuesday-and not with a riding mower! So my hope is that I can trim down the snacks and up the movement a little bit (averaging about 7500 steps through the winter) and maybe drop those lost-baby blues pounds that have piled on since October.
I’ve never been good at losing weight. I was shocked when I weighed so little after having B- and kept it OFF well after her first birthday. I’m sad that the weight has crept back up, it’s all in my belly and that’s no place to have extra weight. I can’t actually ‘diet’ and have it work. As it is, I am VERY cranky, and there’s no guarantee it will work– most of the time if I start to try and diet, I GAIN weight because my body wants to hold those pounds. I know, it sounds crazy, but it’s true. Maybe this time…? Eh, trust me I won’t be giving daily updates (that annoys me more than anything about blogs). But maybe we’ll come up with some awesome outside activities and share the pictures. Deal?
If not, then I need to have another baby so I can nurse more 😉 Lol.
What about you? Is summer a time when you lose weight? Or do all the constant festivities, barbeques, and ballgames seem to pile on the pounds?
I actually become LESS active in the summer. It’s too hot and muggy to do much of anything outside. Spring and Fall are my most active times – mostly fall though because it’s such a relief after summer! Spring’s activites are somewhat limited by the abundance of pollen. Never had allergies until I was in my 40s. Having grown up here, it was kind of a surprise.