Overall: everything is fine.
I am loving being at home right now. Brennan is turning into her own little person and needs me for less things, although she checks in pretty constantly, she will sit down and play, so occasionally I can actually empty the dishwasher without also holding her at the same time! Yes! I have been doing a LITTLE shopping since we re-financed the house and Matt got his promotion. For instance, I now have a new wallet (I may take a pic and show you, it’s really cute!), BB cream make up (which I love, and that never happens!), mascara and an honest to God hair care product (moisture whip from pantene). Now all of these were less than $30 but they have actually improved how I feel a lot. The make up isn’t clumpy, and the mascara is working well so far, so in about 5 minutes I put on a whole ‘face’ of make up which makes me look like I’m not wearing any, but covers up imperfections, exactly what I want! So honey if you EVER read my blog again, THANKS! Money well spent.
Matt is happy at his job but got a msg from someone telling him to apply for another job (same company) so he did. He would be working with the guy that messaged him and perhaps find his true career path, something he’s wanted since he was in college. We’ll see. He should meet with his manager this week to see what his raise is going to be. Woo! It’s all based on how much the current software engineer makes, and he’s well below average since he just got bumped up a level, so it’s not like it’s going to be huge but a few extra bucks can’t hurt!
Keeley is reading like crazy, and borrowed books from someone at church (more on that later). I love that I just catch her reading when it’s quiet. We’ve had some tussles at church with another little kid, and although the grown ups are watching, they don’t see what’s bothering her. Apparently they have been playing tag some and there’s a boy that’s bigger than her (and the youngest of like 5 or 6 mixed family kids overall) so maybe he’s playing too rough. She had a whole episode of saying her head hurt because they bonked them on the floor (and that time I DID see them wrestling over some stupid little toy) and she proceeded to cry all the way home and vomit spectacularly on herself over it. I’m not sure what her deal is, so in the meantime, we’ll watch and see. Obviously there’s a good chance she’s instigating it and not realizing how much payback she’s going to get, and not enjoying what she’s started. I guess we’ll have to have that type of talk with her. *sigh*
Brennan is a little copy-cat. If Keeley gets a book, she wants it, but I tell her to get a board book. She wants read to a lot these days. She’s also talking. A lot. She sings at church ‘ning ning ning’. Cracks me up. She’s definitely musical, just like Keeley was at that age. Dancing, humming along, etc. She’s starting to pay a tiny bit of attention to tv, if we put on a cartoon. Not a lot. I am VERY hopeful, though, that I might be able to put on a show and take a shower with both of them awake soon. Occasionally she doesn’t want to eat whatever I give her, and she ALWAYS wants whatever I am eating, which is very frustrating, because often it’s the same darn thing! She’s tried apple and orange juice over the weekend, but still wants milk or water. Oh yeah, she had some lemon lime soda, too, after my Dr. appt we ‘drove through’ and so she had a couple of sips. I think she liked it. She did seem to ask for more, but I gave her more milk instead! 😉 She’s walking, running, and loving to be outside when the weather is nice.
Most of Saturday we just lazed around, which means Monday will be playing catch up time.
At church Matt was asked if he could help someone with a computer problem. It’s a lovely couple with grown kids, and a bit older grandkids. They have a basement full of girls toys. They watched the girls while we did something church related a while back and they had a blast. So when they said ‘hey come over, bring the kids and we’ll have pizza and they can play’ we said, sure! It was nice to visit with the lady, and you could tell they were getting just as much enjoyment of having our girls around as I was appreciating having a ‘human being’ to talk to. This is where the books come in, she has a whole raft of kids books, and all the princess ones, so of course Keeley asks if she can borrow them. I was just flabbergasted and suggested that she not ask for things, but of course she was accommodating and we have a stack of books for K to read this week and take back to them on Sunday. Oh yeah she wormed a pink necklace out of them, too. I know it’s just a trinket, but I have got to get her not to treat other people like a store! Sheesh!
It snowed a bunch here. Huge flakes and then turned to rain. Weird for this time of year.
I ‘got’ to sneak out and buy a handful of groceries, got some more stuff to fill eggs for church club for their hunt and got our Easter supplies. I think the kids missed me (B asked for me every 10 minutes I guess) but K said she had a good time playing without me. *sigh* They love their daddy! I was glad to get it done, though, because Matt will be leaving next week for a conference so we’ll be going it alone! He’ll do it again in April, so we have that to look forward to, as well, but we do okay if we stay busy and the warmer season should really help because I won’t feel like we would get trapped by a snowstorm or ice, so we’re more likely to get out and explore!
Oh yes obviously we made cookies and the leprechaun trap did NOT work, but we may have to try again next St. Patrick’s day. Keeley had a good time discovering the ‘pee’ in the toilet, she laughed and laughed and said ‘he went pee’ over and over again. Well worth the 5 seconds to shake the sugar crystals in the toilet, and no it did not stain!
That’s about all for the weekend!