No, I’m not futzing in my dryer or playing with my belly button (I don’t have one, anyway)…I’m talking about Easter Lent. After the first couple of days, I quit worrying about Facebook (If for some reason you’re new here, that was what I chose for my fast). I have been using twitter some, but not nearly as much. Some days, I’m checking email in the morning and at night, and if I use the computer otherwise, it’s to focus on finding some information or looking for ideas for my kids or our house. I find myself focusing more on other things instead of just ‘what’s new’ on facebook.
A few years ago I read ‘The Shack’ by Wm. Paul Young as my Lenten ADDITION instead of subtraction. I discovered on a reading list that he had another work out and ordered it from the library. ‘Cross Roads’ does not disappoint. It seems perhaps like just what I needed at this junction. I would actually say that it’s quite perfect for this time of year.
I’m hoping that this will be good personally for me as well, that maybe, just maybe I’ll have the opportunity to have some more ‘IRL’ relationships. Last week at church I went out of my way to stop and visit a few people that I don’t normally during the greeting time. I’m a big believer in recognizing when there’s a problem and trying to fix it in small steps. I used to be a super type A personality and I quit wearing a watch. Although I still tend to be a perfectionist, I worry less about the time it takes me to do anything. When I feel myself starting to seep into depressive thoughts, I try and drag myself out of it through music. Although perhaps my biggest challenge currently is trying to have ‘good’ kids. I worry so much about how I am raising them, and forget to realize how wonderful they are already. I try and focus on things I can do to help others. Believe it or not, I actually did try to use FB as a reach out tool to share faith in a non-confrontational way, offering to pray for people, and actually doing it, as well as providing a kind word for those who were feeling down–and I miss that.
This is definitely a bigger sacrifice than soda, but maybe in the end it means more. Well, I guess that’s my Lent check. Hope you come back tomorrow.
” Although perhaps my biggest challenge currently is trying to have ‘good’ kids. I worry so much about how I am raising them, and forget to realize how wonderful they are already.”
Let an old person advise you here. THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF. The midnight wakeups from one child or the other that end up with the child snuggled in your lap, asleep and confident they’re secure. The smell of little fingers that have been holding cereal and other little foods. The just-awakened nursling who wants to be with mom and the sweetness of that.
You will look back and wish you had more of the day to day… and for every time you stopped to appreciate it, you’ll feel good.