So far, I’d really love to challenge anyone who uses social media on an everyday basis to give it up for a week and see how they do. The first day, although it was hard not to start typing Facebook as soon as I hit the computer keys, the first day I didn’t really miss it. Instead, I vacuumed, did laundry, dishes, picked up toys, really made a good dent in general house cleaning. Not bad. Maybe I need to take one day off a week to really focus on cleaning the house, purposefully and not just because I can’t stand it anymore 😉
Today (Valentine’s Day), not as good. I feel completely out of touch with people. I tried twitter, but all your tweets go out to everyone, there doesn’t seem to be a good way to have an intimate chat with anyone like the inbox on Facebook. Plus, there’s no real way to organize it, either, at least as far as I can tell (and I’ve asked several times over the past year or two and never gotten an answer). I discovered that a bunch of companies were doing giveaways ONLY on Facebook too. Talk about a bummer. Not that I had to be involved, but it is a lot of fun, camaraderie, you know?
I realize now how much time I do spend on the computer. Yes, I check e-mail, Facebook, and read blogs from a myriad of sources….but I also talk to people, play games that expand my brain, and get inspiration and support. My computer sat largely unused today. Other than making plans for the girls’ care on Monday, that was about it. I was depressed today, probably not as a result of the self-imposed exile from all my ‘invisible friends’ but it sure hasn’t helped. Long story short, my body couldn’t wait for Monday to lose more tissue and have a period. The last 5 days have been pretty gross, scary at times, and darned inconvenient. At this point, I can’t imagine the D&C will net much, but hopefully it will put an end to all this frustration and allow me/us to move on. Bleeding off and on for almost 5 months is not good-in a lot of ways. I also have been sick, I knew it was only a matter of time, but thankfully it appears like I was the last to get it and also the weakest case. Annoying, but very manageable. The girls went back for a check-up and their ears look better, my oldest no longer appears to have pneumonia signs, which is great. They are up to their old antics, and really now just enjoying the taste of their medicine. It’s not nearly as hard to get them to eat, which is good, but feeling like my body has a double whammy and dealing with kids on the mend, just means I will continue to be more and more tired until something is resolved. Which makes me think about the surgery, and having to be put under, and that just scares me to pieces, and makes me think all sorts of weepy things. Depressed yet? Yeah…
I worked on menu planning, helped get the recycling out of the house (I’d been working in stages to get things moving), grabbed our last spare toy from the gift closet to give the girls something new to play with for Valentine’s day, and just sat back and relaxed today. I even napped on the couch for a while. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I know the last few months have worn me down, so I can’t let a bad day color how I face the next day. So Friday (today) will be a new day. A happier day. Hopefully more well rested, since that seems to be a big trigger. Maybe I’m just a toddler in women’s clothing 😉 I need to nap, eat something (although seriously, I feel for the kids, nothing sounds good), and find some cool stuff to look at online. I’ll be much happier once I (fingers crossed) wake up from my procedure, sore, but hopefully, in some ways, healed.
I haven’t been on FB long, only active since December, so I wouldn’t miss it much. My interaction is via my blog (at least my cyber interactions) but I am out during the day at work and here and there, so it’s not the same for me.
I did the stay at home mom thing for a long time. It does get lonely. Are there still such things as email loops for people? I know there are still homeschool loops as I still subscribe to one.
Worth checking into? I’d come over and bake cookies with your kids or help them build a big fort in the living room while you go out shopping… but there’s the matter of a really long drive with a vehicle that’s slowly wearing out. Sorry.
Another bonus of being free from religion for me is that Lent and other things are just… things. They have no relation to me or my life.
Will you email or post here after your D&C? What time do you go in? I know you said late in the day, but that doesn’t narrow it down much. I’d just like to hear how you are doing after. Praying for you.