As a kid, if I was not playing outside, visiting the animals, drawing in the dirt, walking barefoot and exploring the world on our little acreage, I was reading. I picked up a few words by the time I was 4, but my mom didn’t try to get me to read, I guess that wasn’t done much back then, but listening to my older brother’s homework kind of sunk in. Once I had a bit of formal instruction, I was reading, well, like my daughter! I found college to be very trying because there was not a lot of reading for pleasure’s sake. When I only had one child, I definitely read a lot more than I do now, simply because it was something to do that WAS NOT dishes or laundry and in any case I found it easier to handle with only one kid running around. Strange. 🙂 I do enjoy just getting lost in a book, and even though my time is more limited now that both kids take only one nap, in the afternoon, I figured that I could handle about a book a week and still manage to get some of my chores done.
I decided to set my goal for the year at 50 books, that would give me time ‘off’ from reading during Christmas and possibly Thanksgiving or preparing for the girls’ birthdays, but I figured the more I knew and could read, the less likely I’d be to fall into the trap of SAHMs where you get bored and start talking like a 2 year old– to adults. If I can’t have real people, I’ll have to settle for ones in stories. So here’s a quick update of my books for the year so far…
My Books: read-2013 (10) ×
The Midwife’s Apprentice
Below Stairs: The Classic Kitchen Maid’s Memoir That Inspired “Upstairs, Downstairs” and “Downton Abbey”
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress
The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth: Popularity, Quirk Theory and Why Outsiders Thrive After High School
Seriously…I’m Kidding
A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make it Work
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)
My Heart May Be Broken, but My Hair Still Looks Great (Domestic Equalizers Book 2)
bedside book: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5)
Right now I just have my HP book going because we have to go into the library on Wednesday anyway, so we’ll pick up whatever is there for me at that time, hopefully I can get a couple in so I won’t have a lag again. I had anticipated that one of my selections was a more difficult book than it actually was (it was in the juvenile section). It typically takes a day or two, or sometimes up to a week to get some of the books in, so I need to work on timing them a little better. I think I have 3 or so ‘on order’ and one of them is in right now waiting. Incidentally, another Harry Potter book. This one came out in the lulls between the last couple of books and discusses the historical or other significance of the names in the HP books. I have never taken classes on literature/art/historical/mythology, instead sticking to the sciences. Did you realize Sirius is the name of the ‘dog star’ and he transforms into a dog? Obviously that’s one of the more commonly known ones, and I hope this will be a way to cram some more useless but interesting trivia into my gourd. You never know when it will be useful!