1. Well, interesting news! I hope the D & C will put an end to your misery (and that there’s no cancer in there)! Let me know when and I’ll say a special prayer for your surgery and recovery.

    I would love to refinance our house, but since I’m in a debt settlement program, I’m not sure they’d even consider us for a refinance. We do make all our payments in full and on time, so maybe that would count for something? A little extra money wouldn’t be a bad thing.

  2. Amy

    I love your wonderful (…etc) family too. Sending love and prayers, and of course the offer of any help you need, your way.

  3. Jill, I think this is, frankly, the best blog post you have ever written. I was on the edge of my seat, heartbroken and fearful along with you. My heart aches to read this because I can relate in so many ways, yet it’s distinctly unique in others. You are so strong and amazing. I know this has been such a difficult past 6 months. Hang in there and know you can always call me anytime if you want someone to vent to or chat away at you for a distraction – I’m, oddly, good at both those things.

  4. Wow, what a relief! So glad it is not cancer. I’m glad things are really looking up for you all and I hope that things continue that way. <3

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