Bad mommy! I have not updated in 4 months, but basically she’s been working on vocal/speech and getting 3 new teeth (molars). There’s a LOT going on inside that little brain of hers and it is VERY obvious! She’s really growing up and you can tell that she’s figuring things out!
Words: dad, mom, night-night, ball, please, MMM, yes, no, this, applesauce, cheese, shirt, book, blue, sit, beep, me, dance, door, wall, Keeley, go, butt, boo, roar, bath, drink, pretty, chair, love, done, yogurt, chocolate, cookie, pizza, banana and Baby signs: More. Waving hello/goodbye. Thank you. Banana. Cracker.
Emotional: Recently stopped crying when put down for nap/bed, wants to be picked up/held all the time.
Motor skills: Walking, running, dancing, uses a spoon and fork, attempts to take her clothes off/help put them on, lays down and helps with getting her diaper on, wipes up a mess.
Food stuffs: Nursing nap (1pm) and bedtime. Loves milk and water. Cookies, crackers, cheese, yogurt, applesauce, bananas, pizza, meatballs, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, bread of all types.
Favorite toys: books, playing kitchen, driving cars, things that make noise.
Cute things: Nodding or shaking head while nursing to answer questions, holding hands and saying ‘meh’ for Amen at dinner time, saying ME ME for her name, blowing kisses to indicate that it’s her turn to go to sleep.
Not so cute things: yelling and slapping at her head if she’s upset or wants attention (this is a new thing and hopefully short lived). Throwing little tantrums if you don’t pick her up or give her a cookie (any time of day or night)…she’s a chocoholic!