This? This is my day. Over and over and over again. If she’s not up, she wants up. She cries when she’s put down. She follows me to the bathroom. She even does this when I’m on the toilet. I kid you not. Tears and snot running down her face. Some days are better than others. At night she sometimes agrees to sit with daddy, but for the most part, she wants mommy. She’s not afraid of other people, she just wants held. It’s exhausting.
There is one cute thing about it. Recently she’s started grabbing my face when she’s nursing, and turning it back toward her (away from the tv, the big kid, or whatever), and then grinning hugely. She really wants my attention. She’s only going to be little once. Her big sister did get a lot of my attention, basically all of it for 3 years. I still have to give her a fair amount, so I guess baby wants more.
Stacy Wolfmeyer
That clingy phase is SO tough! Thankfully we are out of the all of the time pick me up phase, though I still don’t get peace in the bathroom unless Rachel is napping. Even Jacob, who doesn’t like me to come in when he is on the pot or in the shower, doesn’t think twice about how I will feel if he busts in on me. Anyway, good luck with getting through this stage. It’ll pass and you’ll be on to another one in no time. This one was so tough though because it’s hard on both Mom and Dad….I remember Mark wanting to help but they wouldn’t want him anywhere near and would yell at him and I couldn’t get a moment’s peace. Nor could I get anything done because I was carrying around our monster sized children all of the time. I didn’t mind at first when Jacob went through a stage of not wanting me to do anything for him, because I was quite pregnant with Lauren and thrilled he was letting Mark do something for him, but when he didn’t even see fit to have me pour his milk and Daddy was back at work, it got tough fast. Soon she’ll be too big and past this and once in a while, you will miss it 🙂
Then one day you will be chopped liver and it will be DADDY. ha ha.