Recently I won a free Shutterfly photo book from Here’s a link to the finished product!* Link removed per Shutterfly’s request, 2017 June.
(Widget removed per Shutterfly’s request, June 2017)
Click here to view this photo book larger (link removed)
You’ll love Shutterflys (link removed) award-winning photo books. Try it today.
* I should receive a $10 code good on my next order of $10 for posting this widgit. If we love this book, we may order additional copies for family members! I received no additional compensation and had to pay shipping on this item ~8 USD. As always I tell you the truth and trust you can make your own decisions regarding purchases, as your experience might differ from mine, wise in these economic times, eh?
I have used Shutterfly before to do Christmas cards. I wish they had done the promotion again this year, but I am SO glad I got the code for this project! If this looks as good as I hope it does, I am going to be thrilled. It did take quite some time to do, and the program crashed several times, so lesson learned, save, save, save! I had to switch to Chrome web browser to order, as I could not get it to go into the cart using Firefox for whatever reason. Special thanks to my husband for doing a thorough review of each step for me, and for dealing with the issues of photo-missings on my computer. Seriously, just don’t ask, it’s been a bad week photo-wise. <3
Your book looks great!!! I LOVE how you ended it, with B waving and K running away. I’m really glad you included the family pic at homecoming…I think it’s a great one 🙂 I know these books are a lot of work, but look what you got out of it!!!!!