Chances are some people (anyone out there?) have already commented on my personal Facebook page, but I’m wondering what you do when you have 2 kids, one that wants/cares about new stuff, and one that gets all the older one’s old stuff anyway already. Do you give the older one more since they can have more and care, or do you divide it equally, do the same NUMBER of gifts, the same $ amount of gifts?
I just don’t know.
We have put back things before in the ‘gift closet’ for the next year. We’re down to about 4 things for the big kid, plus a handful of items for Easter (bought on 75% discount). Each kid also has a super discount teddy bear for Christmas! Awesome! They will love them.
So do we donate what we’ve bought that’s over ‘budget’, equal out the number of presents, can we actually say that the baby’s diapers are part of her Christmas when we should have replaced the inserts a LONG time ago?
If you have more than one kid, what have you done?
Stacy Wolfmeyer
Size matters for Jacob and Lauren. That and number of presents, though they don’t count them. Or at least I’ve never caught them counting them. Rachel doesn’t last as long as them opening gifts, so we don’t try to even hers out yet, though this year she will be getting a large gift and neither of the others will. But they have no concept of how much everything costs and how size is NOT indicative of price. Over the next couple of years, we will be working on teaching that. B probably isn’t going to last as long anyway as K, not to mention she won’t remember and she doesn’t really understand what makes a cool gift anyway. Go ahead and wrap the diaper inserts. Just put them in a box she can play with 🙂 If the gifts you have that you aren’t using are gifts you could use down the line, hold on to them. Otherwise donate them.